1. People not unwinding is probably more dangerous though..

    Also..what about whiskey dad culture. 😞

  2. NorCalJason75 on

    While TV shows, movies, romanticize alcohol consumption.

    But sure, blame the moms…

  3. DevilsAdvocate77 on

    But “beer dads” are still as cool and hilarious as they’ve been for 70 years, right?

  4. My buddies wife is retired and full on drunk with her daily magnum of wine, I can’t stand being around her.
    She sleeps in late and then it Starts early each day.
    My buddy doesn’t like it, he stopped drinking.

  5. skinnyjeansfatpants on

    “Could encourage.” Not that it does. Not that social media has actually increased their drinking (vs. lockdown drinking culture, or choices about with whom one spends time.) This feels like such a click-baity study.

  6. SmallGreenArmadillo on

    There should be a special category for science that once for all confirms what our grandmas already knew

  7. ADHthaGreat on

    My friend was worried about people shaming her for smoking a bit of weed after her kids fall asleep.

    I told her that it’s a far better way to deal with stress than the “wine mom” stuff.

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