Laut spanischer Regierung ermutigt OnlyFans Männer dazu, „Zuhälter“ zu werden

Von TheTelegraph


  1. TheTelegraph on

    ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Adult content site [OnlyFans]( is a gateway to male violence against women, Spain’s progressive government has said as it backed a report comparing the website to a “pimp”.

    A report on the wesbite by Spain’s Young Women Federation has described the site’s model as a “new form of sexual exploitation repeating the same patterns as prostitution: sexism, sexual violence and egregious male domination”.

    It claims that the amount of money involved in adult content subscription platforms and “live-camming” has encouraged men to become “pimps disguised as representatives” by convincing vulnerable and impressionable young women to set up a profile.

    OnlyFans, run by a UK-based company, is a platform for pay-per-view bespoke adult content.

    The report, presented by Spain’s equalities ministry with the title “OnlyFans: The sex trade’s whitewashed space”, argues there has been an increase in the number of unaccompanied minors and young women in youth shelters who use the platform and others like it in a bid to “escape from a situation of marginalisation and generate income”.

    **Read more:** [](

  2. Jason_Batemans_Hair on

    Is there any way that women can be empowered and free to do as they choose with their bodies, without prudes claiming that men are exploiting the women and therefore women must lose their rights?

  3. Icy_Chemist937 on

    I find it interesting how Onlyfans became a symbol of female empowerment, when on it men can choose women like they pick meat in the store

    Sure they get like 3 to 5 USD for it, but that just means that their privacy and bodies have been turned into a commodity, like sure its not a pimp who exploits you but you exploit yourself, you are still exploited

    Sex work should be helped and sex workers should be protected and included into the societal net for sure, but it should not be encouraged

  4. NiceToFeetYouNTFY on

    This is like the kind of thing a Victorian would say if you gave them the Internet

  5. Only-Manufacturer-87 on

    Individuals are the ones doing that, not the website itself. Women are free to choose not to, there’s no punishment for not having an OnlyFans.

  6. DuckTalesOohOoh on

    It’s prostitution but there’s no touching the prostitute.

  7. King-Owl-House on

    “It’s hard work but somebody else should not do it for us ” Spanish government

  8. ReflectionSad1905 on

    How about women stopping with online prostitution or that would be too misogynistic from Spanish govt?

  9. Dagkas-H-Gagkas on

    I think its the other way around.
    It encourages women to become prostitutes…

  10. Women themselves are promoting it yet it is only those few mens fault who profit out of it. Biased ridiculous bullshit

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