Valery Zaluzhnyi und Lina Kostenko wurden Ehrenbürger von Kiew. „Es ist eine große Ehre für mich, neben dem großen Mann zu stehen. Ich bin der Gemeinde der Stadt Kiew äußerst dankbar für das Vertrauen und die hohe Auszeichnung“, schrieb Valery Fedorovych weiter auf Facebook gepostet und dieses Foto geteilt

Von TotalSpaceNut


  1. TotalSpaceNut on

    Валерій Залужний та Ліна Костенко стали почесними громадянами Києва

    «Для мене велика честь бути поруч з Великою Людиною. Безмежно дякую громаді міста Київ за довіру та високу нагороду», — написав у своєму Facebook Валерій Федорович та поділився цим фото

    Валерій Залужний, Facebook

    Valery Zaluzhnyi and Lina Kostenko became honorary citizens of Kyiv

    “It is a great honor for me to be next to the Great Man. I am extremely grateful to the community of the city of Kyiv for the trust and high award,” Valery Fedorovych wrote on his Facebook and shared this photo

    Valery Zaluzhny, Facebook

  2. WabashCannibal on

    Great photo. It is so weird to see Zaluzhnyi with hair on his head now.

  3. Who has the wings

    Doesn’t need the ground

    When land is missed

    He’ll fly around

    Without fields

    He loves the will

    Without wife

    still loves the life.

    We live on earth

    We can not fly

    But from the birth

    We touch the sky

    The humans fly

    When they just smile

    Man’s wings are not

    From feather –

    the soul and thought

    Inside the leather

    They take us high

    When we’re inspired

    When man in love

    He flies like dove

    With these emotions

    We cross the oceans

    The dreams

    Rise wings

    Good friend indeed

    Takes off the land from feet

    Who said we never fly?

    If feelings take so high!

    Lina Kostenko

  4. bluesmaster85 on

    In case people don’t know. Lina Kostenko is the most respectful living Ukrainian poet right now. I know some people who are really far away from poetry but still can quote her poems.

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