Pro-palästinensische Demonstranten demonstrieren beim Marsch der Lebenden vor Auschwitz


  1. No-Sample-5262 on

    Maybe Omar should demand Hamas to surrender. Now that’s a crazy idea…

  2. Tooterfish42 on

    They were cleared of all antisemitism by X users immediately after

  3. Remember not to panic when they start lynching Jews, it’ll just be anti-Zionism

  4. topofthecc on

    Just purely from a cynical strategic standpoint, this is such a terrible tone-deaf idea.

  5. Tooterfish42 on

    The name of the camp is in the filter here I think so half the comments are gone

    Ok Aushwitz works. I had the c in there

  6. Stuff like this puts things in perspective. No wonder Israel is the only real safe haven for Jewish people in the world

  7. These aren’t pro-Palestinian protestors. They’re anti-Jewish protestors.

  8. LoxicTizard on

    They’re not anti-sematic, only peacefully protesting against the Jews for living.

    Edited because typing is hard.

  9. Look at their “anti-Zionism”! No one will go lower than these people. No one will be more self righteous. No one will be more out of touch with reality. No one will have less introspection.

  10. Yo-boy-Jimmy on

    I’m a supporter of the two-state solution and support both Palestine and Israel’s right to exist.

    But this is disgustingly tone-deaf

  11. SuspiciousFishRunner on

    Demonstrating outside the site of an extermination camp.

    Vandalizing holocaust memorials.

    Hurling slurs against holocaust survivors

    Yes, definitely nothing to do with antisemitism.

  12. badhairdad1 on

    This is how Palestinian sympathy always ends – the Palestinians insist on the destruction of Israel.

  13. RcTestSubject10 on

    The cruelty of some peoples have no limits both those who built the camp and those protesting like this.

  14. And I’m sure some pro-Palestinians think this is just “Anti-Zionism.”

    When your movement behaves like this, it’s obvious why people accuse you of being Antisemitic.

  15. Just asking a question that might show how uninformed I am.
    But not long ago (a year or so I believe) there were multiple news reports on how various minority groups are influenced by opposing States with the goal to sow discord and distrust in their (adjacent) communities. These plans to disrupt cohesion in society actually worked to some extent.

    They did so by isolating and agitating/stimulating various groups that are mistreated by society with selective misreporting and invitations to participate in small (but covert extreme) social platforms that were created to destabilize and disrupt the weakest forms of cohesion in a country by playing into (often just) feelings of mistreatment and discrimination.

    So if say an outsider like Russia (or any opposing the West), was influencing these sort of protests what would be gained? Would it be benign to them to have these sort of protests? Could the demographic that protests be influenced without their knowledge or am I being paranoid?

  16. And this is all you need to know about the “pro palestine” crowd. This is all just a show for “social justice” sake. Where were they on issues like Yemen, Syria, Uyghurs and so on. They only do it for clout on behalf of the Hamas PR machine.

  17. I am Pro-Palestinian and my number one criticism of the movement has been this demented anti semitism that permeates basically the whole movement over the last nearly 20 years at this point. Which was always going to be the case in a movement like this. It seems just like there’s no reasonable elements left to even attempt to out this kind of antisemitism.

  18. vid_icarus on

    Protesting against Jews fighting people who would like to exterminate all Jews at a place another people tried to exterminate all Jews.. stay classy, you pro fundamentalist Islamic terrorism schmucks.

  19. Or: “How to prove that you were just an ordinary anti-semite all along.”

  20. Adventurous_Pen_Is69 on

    They keep doing stupid shit like this everywhere and then ask “why won’t more people support us?” 💀💀💀

  21. akyriacou92 on

    These pro-Palestinian protestors can just fuck off.

    News flash, the Palestinians are not the only people in world history or at the present who’ve suffered hardship and oppression and I’m tired of pro-Palestinians acting like their issue is the only important issue and that their cause justifies acting like dickheads such as in this example. Why are Palestinians more important than Yemenis, Syrians, Ethiopians, Sudanese and Uyghurs? Never hear a peep after this crowd about those conflicts, even when far more people are killed.

    And what Gaza is going through now is not comparable to the Holocaust and this comparison is deeply anti-Semitic and insulting to anyone’s intelligence.

  22. Trout-Population on

    Let’s say someone is attempting to protest in good faith, is truly outraged about the human rights violations in Gaza, and does not have an ounce of anti-sedentism within them. If this person’s goal is to draw awareness to your cause and get more people onto your side, this is an objectively terrible way of doing that.

  23. I bet the venn diagram of pro Palestinian protestors overlaps considerably the people who have been to Aushwitz and taken baffling selfies like they’re at the eiffel tower or something 

  24. They sure have a short memory of what Hamas did to innocent Israeli citizens. They are too stupid for words.

  25. MigraneElk8 on

    Growing up in the 90s, we visited the holocaust museum and talked about it a lot and one question that came up over and over again. 

    “Was why when things were starting to get bad did no one stand up and do anything about it?”

    Evil people are going to do evil things but why did good people let it go on.

    Now I see much of the world, heading toward the extermination of Jews again.   
    Majority of the people like talk to just brush it off.   
    Some I’ve talked to  talk are a little concerned, but still won’t take it seriously.   

    Governments could start building gas chambers, and the same people, will still be in denial up until they’re shoved in.

    History is fully repeating itself.

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