Ottawa sagt die öffentliche Zeremonie zum Hissen der israelischen Flagge unter Berufung auf Sicherheitsbedenken ab


  1. Lost-Specialist-7650 on

    What is the next step? Not wearing short dresses because of rape concerns?

    Do your job. Go after the terrorists. Don’t tell your citizens to cower.

  2. Security concerns? So then do something about these terrorist supporters.

  3. Impossible_Break2167 on

    Hamas followers are now dictating our public discourse. How interesting.

  4. Repulsive_Web9393 on

    Can we start a ship them back chant or is that considered wrong?

  5. CanadianEh_ on

    See, even the comments indicate most people don’t know about this. But there’s a group out there hunting for everything related to Israel.

    If this is about ceasefire only, why do you care about Canada recognizing Israel’s Independence Day, like we do for many other countries, even hostile ones? It’s like they are out there trying to erase Israel, but of course they claim Israel is the big bad wolf.

    What a stupid and lame government (federal and municipal) we have. I understand if you have to cancel the event due to security risk. But if it’s this bad, I better see some arrest in the coming months (and ofc it won’t happen, shame).

  6. No_Pear3526 on

    Wow if there was ever a consideration for the emergencies act…..

  7. >The group Ottawa 4 Palestine shared on social media last week that it planned to “shut down the Zionist flag-raising event.”

    That was easy.

  8. spandex-commuter on

    Why shouldn’t people protest raising the Israeli flag? Seems perfectly reasonable thing to protest a country doing what Isreal is doing.

  9. trashday89 on

    Are they going to cancel pro Palestine protests now. But I thought canada was not full of wanabe facists like america is

  10. Particular-Act-8911 on

    Get them out of Canada.. use the stupid “hate” speech laws for something good for a change.

  11. Dry_Capital4352 on

    There cant be security concerns, all the Palestinian/hamas supporters are peaceful right? Right?

  12. Far-Working2808 on

    The flag raising probably should of been postponed as it would be distasteful given recent events however to cancel it over security concerns is not acceptable in Canada. Immigrants are welcomed in Canada but they should leave their hatred behind. Canadians should also educate themselves rather than jumping on every anti-<insert group here> bandwagon they see.

  13. Salishseer on

    Good. We do not want to see the flag of a country committing genocide.

  14. Any-Sherbert-9283 on

    fuck Zionism why are we raising a foreign flag anyways? Especially one so riled in controversy, do we really need to involve ourselves in this battle and conversation which has been happening for almost 2 thousand years? we have our own problems to deal with, solidarity with the people who lost their lives is ok, raising the flag for a nation who has committed genocide stemming from their own genocidal extermination is laughable.

  15. Nonamanadus on

    Why incorporate international elements in city affairs? Especially when it is such a divisive subject.

  16. We allow these idiots to protest and fuck around non-stop. Now other people can’t do a simple flag raising ceremony. FFS. Talk about s shit hole country. We are becoming pure trash in Canada. Despicable.

  17. growlerlass on

    >The city pointed out in its news release that it celebrates national holidays and independence days with flag-raising events and activities for more than 190 countries.

    Stop doing that and start doing real work like they people who’s money you waste.

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