Russland warnt vor „enormer Gefahr“, wenn die NATO Truppen in die Ukraine schickt… — AOL NEWS……


  1. Openfacesandwich12 on

    “If you send troops to defend the civilians of a foreign country we are murdering, we will cause enormous danger”. Get the fuck outta here

  2. Medvedev: *What day is it today?*

    Peskov: *It’s Wednesday.*

    Medvedev: *OK, so it’s your turn to make the usual bullshit doomsday threats.*

  3. SimpleMaintenance433 on

    The troops are being sent Because Russia is an enormous danger. So much gaslighting from the Kremlin it’s not even funny.

  4. For *mobiks*. Be two sounds. One is the rounds leaving Western weapons and the other the serfs won’t have to worry about. They wouldn’t live long enough for the sound to register.

  5. Mr6thborough_516NY on

    At this point alot of these “Russia threats towards NATO” news articles are just click bait to me, Russia has been sending the same threats since the start of this unjust war, they’re  stupid people indeed,but they aren’t that dumb… 1 min they’re shouting that they are currently battling NATO,then the other moment it’s NATO better not provoke us to attack them! Fuck off Russia back to the shit hole you all came..

  6. agentlardhat on

    I thought russia already was fighting NATO troops, killinh all these Polish and American generals

  7. BeardedBastard_219 on

    Stop hiding behind your nukes pussies. How can you be a global bully, talk shit, and then constantly hide behind your nukes!? Everyone knows Russia’s military isn’t shit without their constant nuke threats.

  8. So they did if we did send weapons. And when we did send bigger weapons, or armor.

    I’m sure the F16 warning is due soon too

  9. jaktmeister on

    Let me get this straight, russians thing they can send troops to Ukraine, but no one else can?

    How does that make any sense at all?

  10. Russia: “We’re already fighting NATO and kicking their asses”

    Also Russia: “Please NATO, don’t fight us, we can’t cope”

  11. Defender_Of_TheCrown on

    I thought they said they were already fighting NATO there? Looks like they are admitting that they lied

  12. denied_eXeal on

    I’m sorry to go off topic but… AOL? News? What in the 2006 is this!

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