Das schwedische Sozialmodell befindet sich in den letzten Zügen


Von LeMonde_en


  1. LeMonde_en on

    **In schools, hospitals and nursing homes, employees complain of worsening working conditions. Meanwhile new budget cuts are being announced by local and regional authorities, whose deficits are exploding.**

    The municipal employees’ union, which had called a strike for April 18, eventually withdrew it, 24 hours before it was due to start. As for nurses, they kept up the pressure for a few more days, threatening to stop work if their demands – including clarification of their working hours, among other issues – were not met. In the midst of renegotiation of collective agreements in Sweden’s public sector, this movement bears witness to a widespread feeling of dissatisfaction among “welfare state workers.” They are on the front line when it comes to austerity measures being implemented by the kingdom’s 290 municipalities and 21 regions, whose finances are in the red.

    A pediatric nurse since 1998 and a representative of the Kommunal union, Malin Tillgren found it hard to pinpoint when the situation began to deteriorate. “It has become progressively worse,” she said. Tasks, especially administrative ones, have increased. The pace of work has quickened. “Today, it’s not unusual to start the day at 7:15 am with a list of patients you know you won’t have time to look after.”

    Some of her colleagues refrain from drinking water during the day, to avoid going to the toilet. Breaks are regularly skipped, as are days off. “The worst thing is never knowing when you’ll be called in to work.” This is because there’s a staff shortage in public hospitals and care centers. The booming private sector offers better conditions. In addition, at least 14,000 nurses (out of 114,000 still working) have changed profession.

    Across Sweden, the feeling is the same: Despite being a priority for voters, healthcare is no longer being allocated the resources it needs. And it’s not going to get any better. According to SKR, the association of Swedish local authorities, the municipal deficit is set to reach 7 billion kronor (€600 million) by 2024, and 24 billion kronor for the regions. In early April, the liberal-conservative government, backed by the far right, announced a 6.5 billion kronor boost to health spending.

    **Read the full article here:** [**https://www.lemonde.fr/en/economy/article/2024/05/06/sweden-s-social-model-is-on-its-last-legs_6670546_19.html**](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/economy/article/2024/05/06/sweden-s-social-model-is-on-its-last-legs_6670546_19.html)

  2. NumerousKangaroo8286 on

    You cannot purchase a flat if you aren’t double income if you are like an average earner. Social housing is stressed beyond the limit, I do not think it’s going to get better unfortunately, at least in cities like Stockholm, can’t say for others.

  3. InstructionAny7317 on

    Good luck to all voters who voted for it. You get what you voted for.

  4. Sweden has become the Mexico of Scandinavia, providing crime waves and cheap labour to Denmark and Norway.

  5. weirdowerdo on

    Thank god that the government is doing something about this. Not. Their “boost” in healthcare spending didn’t save a single worker in healthcare at the same time, it’s a one time boost so it does fuck all in the long term. At the same time they’re planning on bringing back the ability to un-insure cancer patients from Health insurance benefits and force them to work. They chose to subsidise Airlines with double the amount of what the increased spending on education. They cut spending on National Council for Crime Prevention. They cut spending on psychiatry too.

    They’re planning on ruining the entire housing market too by trying to essentially reform away any and all rental housing in the country. Make it easier to take loans to make housing prices skyrocket again. Essentially make getting housing practically impossible and they’ve also crashed the construction industry that will not recover for decades to come…

    They’re not fixing the education system that still allows for for-profit schools. Our taxes are just sent to their buddies. The Prime Minister literally owns a mansion together with one of the largest lobbyist for the For-profit education system.

    To the foreigners on here who will just sit and blame immigration… Surprise surprise the issue isnt immigration. It’s incredibly systemic, what we need is financial reform, welfare reform, housing market reforms and labour market reforms. Immediate migration is not any issue any longer. We’re the strictest in the nordics now.

  6. PowerPanda555 on

    Nothing special about Sweden, they are just a few years ahead of the rest of us.

  7. They mention debt and yes regions and municipalities are adding on to their debt but maastricht debt to gdp is still only 30% which includes debt from regions and municipalities. Government debt is shrinking and is 16%.

  8. saltyswedishmeatball on

    Sweden’s disaster

    If the housing bubbles across the world pop along with the Ukrainian war that’s caused issues then Taiwan War likely next year according to US/Chinese officials.. yes, last leg is far from an exageration.

    I dont think people understand that we’re not living in a time where everything is fine by there’s crazy people trying to make is buy into their hysteria. There are many reasons to be very concerned. It doesn’t mean dont live a happy life and have a positive outlook on the future but it does mean we need to face reality before it slaps us in the face. imagining reality bitch slapping me “believe me now, bitch? you’re a bitch arent you, yes you are, you’re my bitch”

  9. ClassroomLow1008 on

    American here curious to learn:

    1. Which EU nation has the strongest social-safety net of late?

    2. How do the other Scandinavian nations compare to Sweden with regards to social welfare?

  10. DooblusDooizfor on

    Taxes keep getting higher each year, while public services keep getting worse.

  11. Crafty_Ad_4153 on

    In 1944: A Bridge too Far

    In 2024: A Minaret too Loud -or- A Border too Open

    How the European Overton Window has not just shifted, but mutated into the unrecognizable.

  12. kaukanapoissa on

    In Finland our social model is on its last legs and our welfare state on life support as well.

    We have high taxes but the health care system is crumbling, the quality or our schools is on decline, budget cuts are happening all around, the bureacracy is mind-numbing, unemployment levels stubborn, economy has not grown in years, right wing populists are calling the shots in government.

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