Emmanuel Macron bietet jungen Menschen in Frankreich Fruchtbarkeitskontrollen an, um sinkenden Geburtenraten entgegenzuwirken



  1. TheTelegraph on

    ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Emmanuel Macron is to offer fertility checks to all 18 to 25-year-olds as part of a grand plan to combat declining birth rates.

    The French president first announced his ambition to enact French “demographic rearmament” [at a press conference on Jan 16](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/01/16/emmanuel-macron-vows-tackle-scourge-of-infertility-economy/) as part of a wide array of measures aimed at reviving his stuttering second term.

    France’s [birth rate fell by seven per cent last year](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/03/25/emmanuel-macron-france-birth-rate-falling/) to 1.8 children per woman – its lowest level since the end of the Second World War. However, it still has the highest birth rate in Europe.

    “Habits are changing, and people are having children later and later,” said the centrist president in January. 

    “Infertility, both male and female, has risen sharply in recent years and is causing many couples to suffer.”

    In an [interview with Elle magazine](https://www.elle.fr/Societe/Interviews/Parentalite-Depardieu-GPA-PMA-Macron-nous-repond-4232811) published on Wednesday, the 46-year-old went further by announcing that a “fertility check-up” would be offered to everyone around the age of 20.

    **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/08/emmanuel-macron-plan-declining-birth-rates-fertility-checks/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/08/emmanuel-macron-plan-declining-birth-rates-fertility-checks/)

  2. Objective_Froyo17 on

    Maybe they should offer young people hope for the future if they want them to procreate 

  3. Salami__Tsunami on

    Maybe more people would have kids if the average member of the working class was able to support them on a single full time job.

  4. BohemondDiAntioch on

    This won’t have much of an impact but it’s better than nothing. There is something deeper going on when it comes to birthrates in the western world in general.

  5. Strong “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas” mentality.

  6. Lol we are doing our jobs perfectly maybe you should check your plumbing – the French government

  7. ForkShirtUp on

    I don’t think the average person’s health is the problem unless there’s something in the water the French Government doesn’t want you to know…?

  8. Logical-Let-2386 on

    People are too broke and stressed to have kids. Everyone know this. Except the people who profit off us being broke and stressed. 

    It is difficult to get the rich elite to understand something when their cash flow depends on them not understanding it.

  9. Fertility will only go up if one parent goes to work while the other raises the kids. Currently work doesn’t pay enough for this to happen. Leaders need to have a talk with employers.

  10. 10th__Dimension on

    I don’t think fertility is the problem. The problem is lack of time and money to raise children.

  11. DukeOfLongKnifes on

    Emmanuel Macron is the first childless president of the Fifth Republic

  12. a_stoic_sage on

    Young people are plenty fertile, jacking off to porn and pulling out. Ain’t nobody got the time or money or positive vision of the future to be pumping out kids into a future these politicians very well know is going to be shit but they and their ilk need more money on their way out cause they damn well aren’t going to fix anything that has to do with their hubris or willful ignorance about the future of their constituents children’s children’s present.

  13. Just read the Guardian article about climate scientists expectations for the future… Hell no I get a child these days.

  14. People have no problems hopping on top of each other, when they feel safe and happy and optimistic about the future. Being stressed and depressed and worried about paying the rent and bills is the ultimate prophylactic!

  15. Better living standards. That’s what you should offer them. The people in charge seem to be willing to try anything except a better way to cover their experiences

  16. Funny that when you’re leading a neoliberal agenda to strip your nation of its social safety net, that suddenly people don’t want to have kids…

  17. Lmao all the money in the world isn’t gonna persuade me to forgo a career, freedom and my body.

  18. ycifajanum on

    This feels like a band-aid solution to a much larger problem. Instead of focusing on fertility checks, why not address the root causes of declining birth rates, like economic instability and lack of support for working families?

  19. syzygy----ygyzys on

    That’s rich coming from the guy that raised the retirement age LOL

  20. nang_gothilla on

    Ahh yeah there just be something wrong with everyone’s cocks

  21. Stove-pipe on

    Its not a fertility issue, its a issue of existing at all with low wages

  22. I mean, the future is looking pretty bleak, can you blame the younger generations for not wanting to have children? Between the brutal economy, brutal society, and the nonstop spouting of impending doom due to climate change. It’s almost cruel to bring life to this world

    At least that’s what I get from everything on social media, maybe life isn’t so bad?🤷‍♂️

  23. scope_creep on

    How does this solve anything? People are not not having kids because they’re not sure if they are fertile or not.

  24. The move in the West to make having kids miserable unless you’re rich and having kids a real impediment to getting rich is certainly an interesting experiment. I say “interesting” because people frown when you accurately call something batshit stupid.

  25. Upbeat-Call6027 on

    HAHAHHHA, ya that’s why everyone everywhere isn’t having kids because of lack of fertility checks. Has nothing to do with the growing impossible cost of living / pending climate crisis / overall lack of faith in humanity everyone has. Great job Macron!

  26. exploradorobservador on

    Maybe if it wasn’t expensive AF to exist in the middle class we’d have kids…

  27. So sick of politicians worrying about young people’s fertility and desire to have kids

    Time has changed, costs have risen, pay checks are stagnant

    Young people now also have a choice to stay single or to not want kids and there is nothing wrong with that

  28. Funny how politicians everywhere ignore the simple truth: people have less kids because they can’t afford to buy a house or save for retirement. Fix the wealth disparity problem, and population aging will fix itself.

  29. Fingerprint_Vyke on

    The same guy who raised the age of retirement now wants to pay people to have kids?

  30. DarkIegend16 on

    Average out of touch politician. Falling birth rates is due to an inhospitable economy, not a spike in infertility.

  31. People always bring up economic factors when the subject of reproduction decline comes up. However I rarely see the biggest economic factors mentioned. There was a time when children were basically free slave labor and as long as a child was fed and clothed that was considered a good childhood . These days parents are expected to spend massive amounts of money on their children and the amount of things parents are expected to provide for their children keeps growing more and more. Even today the cultures that are still breeding like rabbits are pretty much universally closer to the older model than modern western thought on how kids should be raised. Funding some free childcare,mandating paid maternity /paternity leave and tax benefits for parents might help a little but will never parenting financially advantageous like it used to be

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