Microsoft und Google streben Änderung der Greencard-Regeln an | TechTarget


  1. R_Daneel_Olivaww on

    very nice but i hope this helps smaller tech companies doing cool, innovative work too!

  2. banacct421 on

    Firing Americans to hire foreign workers that you get to pay peanuts, So you can maximize your bonus and get yourself another yacht. That may be the most American thing I’ve ever heard.

  3. Nice of them to ask the government to help them fuck over american workers. We should be looking at spooling down all that “imported labor” bullshit, not expanding it.

  4. not_creative1 on

    Worst time to float this lol

    There are literally 10s of thousands of people getting laid off every other month right now

  5. Effective_Hope_3071 on

    They’re not projecting future labor shortages they’re manufacturing them lol. There’s an endless horde of CS new grades clawing to get into the industry inside of American borders.

  6. AvoidingIowa on

    Lay off 100,000 Americans and then try and push through policy that lets you get a pool of workers that can’t quit or move to a different company. The American way.

  7. neutrilreddit on

    Biden is nuts. I hope he reconsiders.

    >Specifically, the Biden administration is looking to update the Department of Labor’s Schedule A Shortage Occupation List to include STEM occupations. This list, which hasn’t been updated in decades and is focused primarily on healthcare, exempts listed occupations from Program Electronic Review Management (PERM) requirements such as advertising job openings in newspapers, on the employer’s website, at jobs fairs and other steps. Tech companies have latched on to the Schedule A list as a means to cut green card processing time and government regulation.

    There’s no reason Google and Microsoft should be allowed to be exempt from advertising these jobs to Americans as well.

  8. Google gets big tax breaks and now wants low cost labor. Welcome to the new era of Slavery.

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