Geschätzte Anzahl Sexarbeiterinnen pro 100.000 Menschen

Von No-Lab4175


  1. realteamme on

    I find it interesting that China has such a high number. I would have assumed that the surveillance state permeating nearly every aspect of life would make it far less likely to be prevalent there.

  2. zanarkandabesfanclub on

    Is this only counting prostitutes or does it also count stuff like OnlyFans?

  3. ZjadlemBabcie on

    Ah yes. Russia, rational conservatism. The country of aids, abortion and whores.

  4. vladgrinch on

    Russia wants to protect orthodoxism and traditional values from the decadent west. /s

  5. Go Switzerland 🇨🇭 Money equals sex worker or sex workers equal money?

  6. Odd-Dare-4469 on

    Wait. 1% plus of the Russian population engages in prostituting their bodies for money?
    Putin, bro. You gotta regulate your females.

  7. Wow, Russia claims to be a moral country… but the men invade a peaceful country and the women are sex workers

  8. DrunkCommunist619 on

    So basically, 1 out of every 50 women in Russia are sex workers

  9. Primarch-Amaranth on

    The parts withot data scare me much more that those with HIGH data.

  10. So for Russia its 1 per 75 people, meaning 1 in 40 women if most workers are women, which is 1 in 13 women aged 18 to 40 if most of them are younger. So 1 of every 13 Russian woman aged 18 to 40 is a sex worker????? Tell me my math is wrong somewhere.

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