Vorhersage: Garda-Auto wird hier dauerhaft geparkt.


Von TinySickling


  1. IdiditwhenIwasYoung on

    ‘They really need to do things around the city to improve the place.’

    ‘Bawwwwhh Gawwwd…why are they putting that there?’

  2. High_Flyer87 on

    Lol New Yorkers get a good view of all the toothless junkies that congregate around there.

    Could they not have put it up Grafton St

  3. Timmytheimploder on

    In Soviet Ireland, electric car charges you! …no seriously, this is a pedestrian street, I can drive here on Gardai business, you can’t, please take your fixed penalty notice and don’t make a fuss.

  4. OkHighway1024 on

    What’s the betting that some Ivory Coast paytriot gobshite tries to burn it because they think it’s an asylum seeker’s tent?

  5. Spartak_Gavvygavgav on

    It’s a lovely idea that just takes zero account of actual human nature.

  6. Brianmcculla23 on

    Should be moved to St . Stephen’s green to Central Park in NYC , that would be cool

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