Neuer Gesetzentwurf würde DeJoys USPS-Reformbemühungen einschränken | USPS beraubt das ländliche Amerika ohne „legitime Begründung“ seines zuverlässigen Dienstes, sagt der Senator.


  1. >The Protecting Access to Rural Carriers for Every Location (PARCEL) Act, introduced by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., would prohibit the consolidation of mail processing operations unless the Postal Service met certain conditions. Under Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s 10-year Delivering for America plan, USPS is in the midst of consolidating mail sorting away from individual post offices in favor of centralized centers and moving processing operations away from hundreds of cities and towns in favor of 60 mega-centers throughout the country.

    >In some cases, such as Tester’s home state of Montana, those changes will move major elements of mail processing out of a state entirely. Several lawmakers have voiced concern with that approach, citing the potential for increased delays as traffic and weather disrupt mail transportation.

    >Mail delays have spiked across the country and performance has been particularly poor in areas piloting the new network structure, leading DeJoy to apologize and promise improvements. He added, however, that his efforts will bear fruit if given appropriate time.

    >“It’s easy to criticize when you show up at the crime scene and see the damage, but the path there is long and people are working very hard to change minds and hearts in terms of how we perform,” the postmaster general said.

    >A recent inspector general report found the standing up of a new RPDC in Richmond, Virginia, led to worse service, an uninformed public, decreased employee availability and a spike in late and canceled mail transportation trips.

    >The changes have caused “additional labor and transportation costs, and it is uncertain if expected savings will be achieved,” the IG said. Previous IG reports have found prior efforts to consolidate facilities led USPS to perform worse while realizing just a tiny fraction of the cost reductions it had anticipated.

    Weird to admit he’s causing a crime scene.

  2. NotAShittyMod on

    Eh… seems like this is just an example of rural America getting the policies that they, themselves, voted for.  Providing rural services costs many more tax dollars per resident than providing these same services to urban areas.  And god knows rural Americas hate handouts.  Thats socialism.

  3. Early_Cartoonist_441 on

    Why isn’t dejoy a criminal in jail yet? This guy tried to subvert the election!!

  4. EmptyEstablishment78 on

    I live in a semi-rural area..when I order Amazon it would be here the within 2 days…now I get USPS notification it will be 3…then 4 days..You can’t tell me asshat isn’t the cause of this..

  5. IpppyCaccy on

    I really hate it when Republican attacks on our government are characterized as reform. That’s like taking a sledgehammer to someone’s leg and calling it physical therapy.

  6. Shenanigans99 on

    I miss the days when I didn’t even know who the postmaster general was, because they weren’t drawing attention to themselves by dismantling the USPS to enable fascist coups in our country.

    How soon till we can oust this mobster?

  7. The post office is a service mandated in the constitution itself. It is simply abhorrent that the Republicans are trying to destroy it by insisting that it be “profitable”. No one demands that any other mandated government service turn a profit.

  8. You gotta hand it to the GOP; they think ahead. DeJoy was brought in around May 2020, IMO for the sole purpose of fucking with the ‘24 election via delayed or lost mail-in ballots.

  9. Spacebotzero on

    We all know he’s trying for the same plan as before….delay and slow mail-in voting as much as possible and to make the case that the USPS should be privatized.

    That’s why this guy is at the USPS.

  10. SuperstitiousPigeon5 on

    Say it with me now, the USPS is a branch of service, they do not need to turn a profit. They do exceptionally well despite being dicked with for 30 years, and the only thing we need to do is get rid of Dejoy and let them be.

  11. EmptyEstablishment78 on

    JIT (Just In Time) Logistics strategies has failed due to DeJoy

  12. Reluctant_Firestorm on

    DeJoy already violates ethics code for Federal employees due to his stock holdings. He should be forced to divest himself of his holdings or resign.

  13. Stinkstinkerton on

    Shitty Slow walking full on privatization of everything. Greed is a hell of a drug.

  14. CAFritoBandito on

    Don’t send in your mail in ballot while he’s in command. Seems intentional to screw everything up before the next election

  15. Congress originally set up the US Postal Service to be resistant to politics, but with the unintended consequence that when one party (Republicans) manages to install a political hack (DeJoy) as Postmaster General, those same protections make him nearly impossible to dislodge.

  16. GloomyEntertainer973 on

    Rural areas don’t want USPS, or medical care. 61% to 82% hated Hillary Clinton in 1988, & that number was % that voted for PutinJrtrump in 2016. No big deal to me.

  17. GloomyEntertainer973 on

    It’s simple, who did you vote for in In 2016? PutinJrtrump republican cult oh well, not Hillary Clinton you loose, don’t care

  18. DeJoy is a leftover from Trump’s poor decision making. Dump him ASAP and let’s get our mail system working properly.

  19. Mail carrier here. DeJoys system has changed up the truck logistics in our area to where our truck with out DPS(machine sorted letters) will arrive. Our post offices answer? Leave without the mail and deliver what shows up later the next day.

    I’m so embarassed when customers ask me “why hasn’t (said letter) shown up yet?

  20. Ikontwait4u2leave on

    Our mail service in Montana has been terrible ever since DeJoy took over the USPS, we really need to get rid of him.

  21. BlazinItDown on

    DeJoy is a top tier moron. How is this guy in charge of anything.

  22. Humble-Roll-8997 on

    Birthday card to my nephew at UGA took 2.5 weeks…to the state next to ours.

  23. Fuck rural America. I’m tired of subsidizing their luxurious lifestyles with my tax dollars. They need to work and pay for it themselves and stop living off the government teat.

  24. chowyungfatso on

    Fuck DeJoy!

    Didn’t see this in the comments so I think we need to start this trend.

  25. Justification? That’s easy.

    Anger the hicks.

    An angry hick votes Republican, cause Look What Biden Did.

  26. TacoStuffingClub on

    Pension cost is strangling the US government including the USPS and military. Shit is unsustainable.

  27. Trump’s legacy continues to “deconstruct the administrative state. Want to kill the United States? Just vote Republicans into office.

  28. Empty_Afternoon_8746 on

    It’s not just Dejoy all the managers are complicit in his plan and their plan is to disrupt the election.

  29. PricklySquare on

    Maybe we can send out free bootstraps to all the rural people mooching off the communist post office?

  30. That’s why trump appointed him. If conservatives can keep convincing poor Americans that the government isn’t working for them, conservatives can continue the privatization of every aspect of life until corporations have control of everything.

  31. SeaHorseDragon on

    Poor postal service is wrecking small businesses across the country. Congress never votes or passes legislation for the little guy in this country. They don’t care if you get your medications or vital documents they only care about their own pockets.

  32. How has it almost been 4 years of Biden and DeJoy is still there? Why hasn’t there been a push since day 1 to oust him???

  33. crudedrawer on

    Rural america is gonna be so fucked by Trump 2.0. If they think the Trump junta will give a shit about them (as opposed to their base, wealthy Florida dentists and Texas lawyers) they are in for a rude surprise.

  34. Dependent_Answer848 on

    It’s amazing that magats that claim to love the constitution so much and say the federal government is almost completely illegitimate… want to get rid of one of the only federal agencies that is defined in the constitution.

  35. Earth_Friendly-5892 on

    The mail service has declined greatly since DeJoy’s “ reforms” went into effect. His mission was either to destroy the USPS, or he has really bad judgment -cuz the plan was a failure.

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