Für Putin ist Gaza ein endloses Geschenk



  1. Is it a gift if it was your own plan?

    I mean I guess that’s “treating yourself,” so okay, it counts.

  2. Fermented_Butt_Juice on

    Yeah, no fucking shit. Iran and their Russian allies provoked this war when they did specifically to simultaneously achieve the Russian goal of distracting the West’s attention away from Ukraine and the Iranian goal of harming Israel and expanding their influence in the Middle East.

    Iran and its proxy group in Palestine is aligned with Putin in their common war against Western democracy and anyone who doesn’t admit this is either woefully misinformed or an enemy agent.

  3. Individual-Acadia-44 on

    Not really. Without Gaza, Congress wouldn’t have passed $61B in aid for Ukraine.

    Republicans only voted for Ukraine because it was needed in order to support the aid package to Israel.

  4. SilverSovereigns on

    Hamas went to Moscow months before the attack. They received intelligence and promises of material assistance dispensed through other sources in the Mideast. Hamas received the “gift” from Putin, who deluded them into thinking they’d survive this.

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