Alarm, als deutsche Politiker im Wahlkampf angriffen

Von TheTelegraph


  1. TheTelegraph on

    ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Germany is grappling with a disturbing wave of violence against politicians after three lawmakers were targeted while out campaigning.

    On Tuesday evening Franziska Giffey, a senator from [Chancellor Olaf Scholz Scholz](’s centre-left SDP party, was attacked from behind with a bag containing a hard object. 

    She was treated in hospital after suffering injuries to her head and neck.

    The attack came just days after a violent assault on an SDP MEP, Matthias Ecke, [who was set upon by four people]( while he was putting up campaign posters in the city of Dresden.

    Mr Ecke was left with a broken cheekbone and injuries to his eye socket which required surgery over the weekend.

    In a post on social media showing bruising and stitches on his face, the MEP wrote: “In a democracy, no one should have to fear speaking their mind.”

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. ConsidereItHuge on

    Far right scumbags having the time of their lives this year with euro elections, USA elections, UK elections, Gaza and Russia. Can’t wait for the UK to vote Labour.

  3. Those are straight up attacks on the democracy. And the attackers should be punished as such. Fucking Nazi’s man…

  4. Complete_Mulberry541 on

    Maybe just maybe…. people are not satisfied with them…..

  5. shadowrun456 on

    And those same attackers will tell you that it’s the Muslims who are violent and who you should be scared of. What’s scary is that there are people who are dumb enough to genuinely believe them.

  6. Good night alt right.

    Never again means eat shit and die nazi scum.

  7. Complete_Mulberry541 on

    It can be that people feel betrayed by them because maybe they are not representing them but rather someone else who didn’t vote for them… just maybe….

  8. Individual-Dot-9605 on

    Putin already sending in his agitator goon thugs trying to make Germany into Belarus.

  9. This is what I don’t really understand. The right is and will always campaign on the ideas of “war against us”. It might be ‘immigrants trying to replace us’ type of rhetore. It can be ‘radical left’. You name it…

    Yes, you might think It’s dumb, but their voters feel some inner need for this kind of opposition to fight against. To unite against.
    Why can’t centrists use this historic moment, to claim their fight against Russia? Russians don’t shy against claiming that they are fighting ‘Germans’ (calling that Ukrainians), their official spokesperson of Army don’t shy from claiming killing NATO officers daily.
    Russians spy on German military establishment and politicians, support far-right, support civil chaos around questions or immigration, religion, freedom of speech.

    And yet you don’t hear German politicians using a dip of populism ‘to call it like it is’.

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