[OC] Eine Karte von Nordamerika, unterteilt in subnationale Einheiten, wobei jede Einheit nach ihrer wichtigsten religiösen Bevölkerungsgruppe farblich gekennzeichnet ist

Von KatsumotoKurier


  1. KatsumotoKurier on

    My apologies to the Caribbean and Central American countries. I wanted to include these regions but could not find a suitable map which featured both of those regions in addition to the subnational divisions of the other North American countries. I also don’t have a good programme or method of making a map at my disposal, but I would certainly like to make a better and fuller one in the future.

    All of the data I took to make this map came from Wikipedia (the underlying blank image source was from Wikimedia), as well as a few other official governmental websites for the respective regions which the map shows. Most of this data was from 2021 at the earliest and 2023 at the latest.

    Also, I of course know that Protestantism is not one single denomination, and that it is a blanket term for a great many different churches. Naturally it would be a lot of work though and perhaps somewhat pointless to colour code each different Protestant denomination for the sake of this map which still gives the general idea more broadly.

    On top of that, in making this map I learned that Mormons are not considered Protestant by a lot of other groups, nor do they consider themselves as such. I found this quite funny because as someone who grew up Catholic, I always assumed that they were both recognized and that they also classified themselves as such.

  2. portable-holding on

    Quebec should be no affiliation. They are devoutly irreligious there for the most part.

  3. MadRonnie97 on

    Good thing the majority of the Catholic/Protestant killing-the-shit-out-of-each-other phase was pretty much wrapping up by the time these places were well established

  4. Amateur_Statistician on

    What is considered “no affiliation”? Is it a nearly even split between Protestantism and Catholicism?

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