Gegen Tesla wird wegen Wertpapier- und Überweisungsbetrugs wegen Ansprüchen auf selbstfahrende Fahrzeuge ermittelt / Das Justizministerium untersucht, ob Tesla Verbraucher, Investoren und Aufsichtsbehörden mit seinen Versprechen für vollständig autonome Fahrzeuge in die Irre geführt hat.


  1. Lock Musk and his Nazi ilk up. They should be in prison for fraud, market manipulation, tax avoidance and hate speech.

  2. inalcanzable on

    Of course he committed fraud. He’s moved the goal posts every single year. Brining fractions of what he promised. This man is a living breathing example of what the gaming industry has become releasing half baked products and just patching its for years. 

  3. His cars have literally killed people. If that’s not reason enough for him to be in prison for life, then the justice system is broken.

  4. V-Right_In_2-V on

    I was wondering when we would see major lawsuits come out regarding FSD. There are tens of thousands of people who paid for FSD years ago, their cars are probably already paid off, and a functional FSD is nowhere near complete. What did they pay like an extra $10k for? They spent this money believing their Tesla would be able to drive coast to coast autonomously by like 2019, and it can’t even drive out of the city. They got conned

  5. People who buy Teslas are pretty credulous targets for manipulation. Why would anyone buy a Tesla unless they’re completely and willfully blind to the competition?

    Teslas are pretty crappy. Expensive, poor service, unreliable, terrible fit and finish, awful cabin noise, terrible ride quality. *”But the tech”* — no they don’t have any unique “tech”. Try any other competitor.

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