Live-Updates zum Ukraine-Krieg: Der Kreml warnt vor „großer Gefahr“, wenn NATO-Truppen in die Ukraine geschickt werden, und beobachtet den Westen genau


  1. Due-Giraffe6371 on

    There’s a huge danger alright, for Russia and he is afraid of it

  2. JaDaYesNaamSi on

    Oh yeah, Huge Danger, OMG.

    Please, Russia, help us! Where is the danger coming from?

    Please let’s team up to contend with it! I beg you, I beg you.

  3. It doesn’t matter what the Russians say, when it’s nothing but lies and empty threats.

  4. Mordegayser on

    From all they yap about lately all I get is not our fear that they wish to have/cause. But instead I get the feeling that THEY are the ones who are afraid…wonder why..

  5. smoothie1919 on

    Is there actually a danger to anyone if nato started fighting in Ukraine and didn’t go further than the Russian border?

  6. Bicentennial_Douche on

    Sounds like Russians should get the fuck out of Ukraine. 

  7. Significant_Plum_953 on

    The danger is real, and it is for Russia.

    NATO firepower would smash Russia in hours.

    Like before the war, Russian weakness is hidden behind bluster and big bullshit.

  8. Russia has always had little man syndrome. Joseph Stalin was terrified of Hitler in the beginning years of the war. So scared he actually signed peace treaties with Nazi Germany (Molotov-Ribbentrop). They are always 2 steps behind and running scared.

  9. They are right: for Russia the danger is enormous they have not specified for whom

  10. They are so scared because the humiliation will make history. But not the history Putler thought of.

  11. Consistent_Stuff_932 on

    Then we will send F-15s, drones, artillery and atacms.

    Send western robots remote controlled by Poland

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