Das Leben eines Lehrers wurde durch einen Hassangriff zerstört, als falsche Rassismusbehauptungen viral gingen


Von boskee


  1. AdVisual3406 on

    Oh it’s the bullies intimidating again. Time for my phobia of Islam to come out.

  2. LieutenantEntangle on

    Now the government have invented hatecrimes, people profit from it by faking this shit.

    If only a massive group of people warned about this.

    Oh, they did, but got called hateful.

    This country has just gone to shit and most of the public are too biased or lacking brains to realise how authoritarian this shithole has become.

  3. swoopstheowl on

    This is concerning for anyone who is even casually engaged with local party politics. Leafleting / collecting data – our faces are recorded on tons of doorbells and personal surveillance tapes. Very easy to add text to misdirect what you hear, or even edit to change what is said. The vitriol against this woman was horrid.

  4. Throwawah123456 on

    Oh so just more right wing lies to smear Labour for being “racist” when they are in fact the racist ones.

    It’s just sad at this point. Desperate even. Just crawl into a hole and die already (after you’ve fucked off from number 10)

  5. HorrorActual3456 on

    Could she not sue him for libel? Also hasnt the home owner broken gdpr law because he released the footage without her permission. A common misconception people make is that although it is legal to film in a public place, it is illegal to circulate that footage without the permission of the people in it. Thats why you get some footage with faces blurred out and voices changed, the police wont do anything unless you complain, I hope she sees this and goes after them. Shes got a big payday coming her way.

  6. So, are they pressing charges against the homeowner, who I presume is the one who may have digitally altered the footage? If this were me, I’d be suing the crap out of someone

  7. External-Praline-451 on

    This is awful, poor woman.

    It’s also part of a massive problem that we aren’t teaching people critical thinkng skills and how to spot potential misinformation.

    You see videos all the time on social media, including Reddit, where there is overlaying text explaining the supposed context, which people accept without question.

    It happens in political and contentious posts and innocent ones about cute animals, it’s everywhere for engagement and clicks.

    People need to develop a sceptical first attitude, myself included. It’s so easy to accept what you’re being shown and fall for stuff.

  8. RealTorapuro on

    What was she claimed to have said? I can’t make anything offensive out of a mishearing of “I couldn’t understand”

  9. itsalonghotsummer on

    She has been libelled, and about as badly as it is possible to do so.

    I hope she sues everyone involved.

  10. new_yorks_alright on

    >She has received death threats, told she is a dirty racist b****

    When are we going to recognize that calling someone “dirty racist” is itself a legally acceptable racist slur used against white people? It is threatening specifically because whites are a racial minority in Birmingham.

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