RFK Jr. sagt, Ärzte hätten einen toten Wurm in seinem Gehirn gefunden



  1. Early_Cartoonist_441 on

    RFK I bet also says he had breakfast with aliens the guy Is a kook and a huckster

  2. trekologer on

    > The presidential candidate has faced previously undisclosed health issues, including a parasite that he said ate part of his brain.

    Well that might explain a great many things.

  3. Incontinento on

    Well that’s something he would have in common with anyone who would consider voting for his crazy ass.

  4. MagicianHeavy001 on

    So he’s dropping out and blaming <checks notes> brain worms?

    We truly are in the cursed timeline.

  5. Weedsmoker3000 on

    I see Dax was forced into their host…unfortunately they put it in his brain.. goodbye old man

  6. Katana1369 on

    Several infectious disease experts and neurosurgeons said in separate interviews with The Times that, based on what Mr. Kennedy described, they believed it was likely a pork tapeworm larva. The doctors have not treated Mr. Kennedy and were speaking generally.

    Dr. Clinton White, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, said microscopic tapeworm eggs are sticky and easily transferred from one person to another. Once hatched, the larvae can travel in the bloodstream, he said, “and end up in all kinds of tissues.”


  7. Earthpig_Johnson on

    That’s the kind of thing you tell your new best friend somewhere during the second bottle of whiskey.

  8. treetrunk53 on

    “Dude you sound crazy. Is some fucking worm eating your brain or something?!”

    This guy: “…..yes….”

  9. VonTastrophe on

    Read the whole article, holy shit this is wild. He may have permanent brain damage from mercury poisoning

  10. AreYouDoneNow on

    I hope they left it there… it was the only thing in his skull being productive.

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