Donald Trump erleidet bei den Vorwahlen in Indiana große Stimmen gegen ihn


  1. By Ewan Palmer – News Reporter:

    There were further warning signs for Donald Trump in the Indiana GOP Primary as Nikki Haley received more than 20 percent of the vote despite dropping out of the two months ago.

    Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican candidate, easily won the race on Wednesday with 78.3 percent of the vote, continuing his dominance overall in the GOP primary, but the former South Carolina Governor still received 21.7 percent in Indiana, which amounted to more than 128,000 votes.

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  2. The article says he easily won with 78% of the vote. How is that a huge blow?

  3. Biden got 174,000 votes in today’s primary. In 2020 he got 380,000.

    Trump got 504,000 in 2020 and 461,000 today. Indiana has an open primary, so the 128,000 Haley votes are likely from Democrats.

  4. Howdthecatdothat on

    The real surprise here is not that 20% of voters in the Republican primary chose Haley. The real continued surprise is that 80% of Republicans continue to support Trump.

  5. Lemon_Club on

    Trump wins almost 80 percent of the vote while completely ignoring the primary at this point. Wow so bad lmao.

  6. ballskindrapes on

    These are meaningless. You really think Republicans who voted against him in the primary will vote against him whe. It’s him or the demonic Biden?

    Sure, some might stay home, but Republicans always vote, and they always vote for their front runner.

  7. Dranzer_22 on

    Republicans always turn out for their candidate on election day. I’ll give them that.

    He won 62 Million votes in 2016, he increased his vote to 74 Million in 2020, and no doubt he’ll increase it again in 2024.

  8. Educational_Dust_932 on

    head over to r/conservative and see…how this isnt mentioned at all

  9. OkWork9115 on

    But orange man said in Wisconsin he received 90% of the vote. Are you saying that Trump is lying? No way! His base doesn’t believe it. Fake news. Tremendous amount of lies. Believe me!

  10. Voting for Trump = wants a 1955 Missouri lifestyle. No in between anymore.

  11. EricsAuntStormy on

    Attach securely a dead chicken to a chicken-killing dog’s neck and leave it there until that dead chicken rots completely off, and guess what: that chicken-killing dog will never again kill a goddam chicken. Trump has wired himself to the GOP’s neck with the full cooperation of the entire party, and that motherfucker is rottin’ up a storm(y). I love this shit.

  12. Frosty_Budget4500 on

    I suspect many of those votes came from Democrats, unfortunately. Indiana is a state where you can choose which ballot to receive in the primary regardless of registered party affiliation, and with many statewide races only having one viable candidate on the Dem side, there was a push for Democratic voters to take an R ballot to try to keep Mike Braun from taking the gubernatorial nomination.

    Newsweek doesn’t get clicks for reporting that, unfortunately, but I think this is a non-story.

  13. CloudSlydr on

    Anyone still supporting Trump is simply a moron and/or evil or just plain bad. what more can be said?

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