Heute vor 79 Jahren unterzeichnete Nazi-Deutschland das Dokument zur bedingungslosen Kapitulation und beendete damit offiziell den Zweiten Weltkrieg in Europa.


Von WheatBerryPie


  1. varakultvoodi on

    And it took only 46 years until their former allies ended the occupation of half the continent.

  2. crottemolle on

    Don’t cry because it’s over

    Smile, because it happened

  3. SnooStories251 on

    Is the Iron crosses modded or did he never wear the ns sunkrøss?

  4. Just in theory, if, instead, western allies agreed to German proposals to unite and fight together against Russia, what were realistic chances of that succeeding?

  5. Vladimir_Chrootin on

    The man signing there is Wilhelm Keitel, head of the *Oberkommando der Wehrmacht* and a war criminal, for which he was executed in October 1946.

  6. sanderudam on

    I feel it was a bit improper to execute the general that signed the unconditional surrender. It just sits wrong with me.

  7. Kinda fascinating how the current Russian conduct has given wind to the sails of “we fought the wrong enemy in WW2” people.

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