1. ConsidereItHuge on

    Lol at Birmingham. One of these things is not like the others.

  2. Fluffy_While_7879 on

    Im afraid, after everyday Russian bombardments Kharkiv is not the second now 🙁

  3. Espoo is not a standalone city, it is part of Helsinki metropolitan area …

  4. Lovely city, lovely view, old town, old town, ROTTERDAM, old town, lovely city

  5. BrakoSmacko on

    Birmingham is second after London for tourist popularity? I thought Liverpool or Manchester would have been. Especially Manchester what with it being the greatest city in the known universe.

  6. I think some people are confused about the numbers. They are not region populations, only cities. So when the name of the city and the region are the same, there may be some confusion.

  7. WhiteHousePotential on

    Cool post! Didn’t know about some of those cities.

    Something else that is also interesting with a post like this, is also the relative size of the second largest cities compared to the most populous cities. The scale of London and Paris comes to mind compared to the Marseilles and Birmingham, whereas Goteburg and Stockholm and others are way closer. 

  8. chilling_hedgehog on

    The city population of Milan actually is a third of what this poopy chart says

  9. SagittaryX on

    By Urban area? Because that’s definitely not the official Rotterdam number

  10. bombonarul on

    Data in Romania is not always that clear. In some cases the second most populous city is considered Iași (north-east part of the country). There is still a debate if Cluj, Iași or even Timișoara are the second most populous as their population is very close.

  11. DangerousCyclone on

    wtf is Corlu? It’s not even in the top 5 of largest Turkish cities.

  12. floatingsaltmine on

    Geneva doesn’t have 419’000 inhabitants. It barely has half that (203’840 in 2022).

  13. Ankara have a population of 5.7M as the second biggest city after Istanbul, and happens to be the capital of Turkey, op let use çorlu lol.

  14. volkivolki on

    Çorlu ???????!!!!!!!!?????₺%^&<₺₺()????×#₺%^^-#÷=/^5*5=5

  15. Wasted_Penguinz on

    The Rotterdam one seems weird. With a quick google, it says Rotterdam has a population of 623.652 – while Amsterdam has a population of 821.752. The Hague has a population of 514.861.

    Where is amsterdam and why is the ropulation of Rotterdam off by around 700000 people?

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