Bei einer Hochzeitszeremonie in der Türkei kam es zu einer „Gebetskrise“. Der Trauungsbeamte sagte: „Dies ist eine offizielle Institution, Sie können zu Hause beten.“ sagte er und nahm das Mikrofon. Während das Gebet ohne Mikrofon weiterging, wurde im Saal laute Musik eingeschaltet.

Von ittihatcikemalist


  1. Overall_Property_233 on

    How rude and unaware you have to be to come chanting your barbaric verses in a formal,official setting.

  2. ArcadialoI on

    I’m not religious and think they are deeply problematic, but if it’s someone’s wedding and they want to have prayers during their wedding, I fail to see why it is a problem. Am I missing something? Is it because they were too loud in a space that had many other people outside and in other rooms? Idk.

  3. StrongFaithlessness5 on

    Well, this was clearly a non religious ceremony so it makes sense.

    Everyone has that religious relative that wants to force everyone to pray with him 🙄

  4. KawaiiDesuNeOniChan on

    He wasn’t praying, he was making dua. Imagine getting interrupted and asked to leave just because you are wishing people a blessed marriage.

    In Islam, praying = worshipping. Dua = asking God for good things.

  5. Türkiye, for all its strengths and weaknesses, is a modern state explicitly on secularism. The state is is not, and shouldn’t be, religous.

    While this is obviously an awkward moment, and could maybe be handled better, I think the official was in the right. We’re performing an official wedding ceremony here, and as such, it’s non-religious.

    Good on Türkiye for upholding its foundational ethos.

  6. Quiet-Cause-3903 on

    When its Christianity its “fuck christianity”. When its islam its “fuck religion”. Hmm

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