Laut Umfrage ist die Mehrheit der Länder der Meinung, dass Irland in der EU bleiben sollte

Von Dry-Sympathy-3451


  1. JealousInevitable544 on

    Anyone who, after viewing how Brexit unfolded, still believes Ireland should leave the EU is an idiot.

  2. MarcusSuperbuz on

    Congratulations Éire.

    You are officially now vastly smarter than your former oppressors.

    On an unrelated note, could I, as a Brit, request asylum? Think of me as a brexit refugee 😆

  3. SpareZealousideal740 on

    Leaving the EU would be stupid. Trying to change certain policies and pushing back against the federalisation of it is better

  4. Michael_McGovern on

    Cause Brits having more leverage over us has worked out so well in the past.

  5. IzzyBella95 on

    No reason to fear having a vote on it then. Polls are never wrong. All the polls said UK would vote for Brexit, because they always include a good sample of working class people from areas that have been negatively impacted by global corporatism. Just include it with next election.

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