Daten zeigen, dass Patienten aus dem Nordosten bis zu sieben Stunden auf Krankenwagen warten mussten

Von InvitableWriter


  1. _triperman_ on

    That’s an incredibly short ambulance.
    Your feet would stick out the end.

  2. Yeah doesn’t suprise me. Was a disaster of a region when I lived there. Don’t get me wrong, I hope it improves but I think nothing short of a dictatorship would turn that place around a

  3. My girlfriend and mum both work in care and have had to sit with an old dear with a cracked head (multiple different instances) for 8 hours or more sometimes.

    They’ve literally finished shifts, come back to work and the person was still on the floor waiting. It’s getting beyond an absolute joke how fucked the NHS is right now.

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