Geisteskranker Mann, der nicht strafrechtlich für die Ermordung der Rezeptionistin Julia Ferguson aus Toronto verantwortlich ist


  1. Ok_Werewolf_4605 on

    How fucking convenient. Fuck I’m tired of this rotten justice system.

  2. Strong_Payment7359 on

    I don’t even want justice, I just want people who are incompatible with society to be removed permanently.

  3. RSMatticus on

    Crazy man found crazy and will be institutionalized till he is found no longer crazy by doctoral review board.

  4. Bodysnatcher on

    Why is it that the violently mentally ill usually target women, children, and the elderly? Really is quite a mystery, best we can do is slap em on the wrist and look the other way.

  5. Demetre19864 on

    No problem, insanity means you don’t go to jail because you have no understanding of law

    However you have also proven that your Illness is a danger to society, therefore we need to decide what’s more important.

    Someone with a incurable illness who has done horrible things or an innocent.

    Bring back institutions or forced medication for life.

  6. Infamous-Berry on

    This is absolutely disgraceful. The system should have prevented this and should punish him accordingly. His fault he was off his meds and killed someone. The system should hold him accountable. RIP Julia

  7. alex114323 on

    If you take a life you give your life. Either you spend the rest of your life rotting behind bars or you get the d*ath penalty. Think of how many lives were touched by this act. Her family, her friends, her co workers who may have witnessed this, etc. All people who I’m sure will need counseling and will experience varying forms of PTSD. I truly feel as though these outcomes just embolden more to commit acts of crime. Sad…

  8. CrieDeCoeur on

    I’d say the main failure here was on the part of her employer. This fucking guy had been harassing and threatening her and other frontline employees repeatedly for weeks and the partners did nothing about it. Even left her alone with the suspect when he *actually showed up* at the office. Yeah the killer should be locked up but holy fuck what a shitty ass place to work when they won’t even do the bare minimum – at a law firm no less – to protect their workers. Fuck those assholes. I hope her family sues them into oblivion.

  9. tonkatsu2008 on

    Well if he’s not criminally responsible then he should at least be eligible for the MAID program.

  10. Jimmy_who1 on

    You got to love reactions to stories like this, everyone starts talking about rounding up anyone living with a mental illness and locking them away, like it’s Central Europe in the 1920s. 

    If you don’t like these kind of stories, write your MPs and ask them why the country/ province isn’t providing appropriate mental health support, it’ll help with the homeless issue too. 

  11. Local-Temperature832 on

    I’ve had multiple psychotic episodes and never killed anyone. You don’t even need a full conscience to avoid killing someone. This is criminal. All you need is to be afraid of doing such an act.

  12. This is utter bullcrap. He had been harassing her for weeks before the killing. This isn’t like some type of accident caused by mental illness. He had been stalking her.

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