Überschwemmungen in Brasilien: 85 Tote, 130 Vermisste, 150.000 Vertriebene aus ihren Häusern



  1. 150,000 climate refugees.

    334 cities have reported significant damage.

    This is a Brazilian state bigger than New Zealand, almost the same size of Spain and UK.

    There is no electricity or access to drinking water.

    **It will start raining again in the next week.**

    The climate collapse is already here.

  2. OuiouiRomain on

    Considering the videos posted here I find it almost miraculous they had “only” 85 dead. The river rose by 30 meters, this is insane.

  3. nadandocomgolfinhos on

    I know people there and they are still in crisis/ survival mode. Families have been separated with the rescue efforts and people are focusing on finding them.

    There was an absolutely horrific video circulating where people being rescued thought they saw a doll in the water. It wasn’t a doll.

    The last I heard they said at least four days more of danger.

  4. linkindispute on

    Brazil has so many massive issues looming but as long as their president condemns Israel everything will be ok, I wonder what the Brazilian people are thinking when their president is concerned with what happens across the world instead of investing his effort into helping his own people.

  5. Pexkokingcru on

    >Further heavy rains forecast for this week are expected to further exacerbate the situation in the region.

    That doesn’t sound too good

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