CBC liefert sich einen Kopfkampf mit konservativen Abgeordneten, während sie über Boni für Führungskräfte aussagt



  1. PineBNorth85 on

    She should have been let go a long time ago. She’s doing them in.

  2. Ancient_Wisdom_Yall on

    “Twice as many managers were laid off as unionized workers.” If this trend continues in Healthcare and Education, we might get somewhere.

  3. Publically funded companies should never give out bonuses especially when they have to resort to layoffs.

  4. She looks so annoyed that she had to travel from her luxury brownstone home in central Manhattan, to fly her private jet to shitty Canada, to justify herself to petty Serfs

  5. Proof_Objective_5704 on

    If this story was about Postmedia, this sub would be frothing and there would be 500 comments by now.

  6. SnuffleWarrior on

    So, what this sub fails to recognize is that Federal employees, much like provincial and many private sector, don’t get bonuses. For example, they’ll get 90% of their pay and if they meet their targets they get the other 10%.

    This is what happened at the CBC, she explained it, yet the CPC knuckleheads couldn’t be bothered to listen.

  7. “This is the first time in 40 years anybody has addressed me in this way,” Tait said, speaking to Thomas.

    So in 40 years nobody has been allowed to question your decisions?!?

  8. pepperloaf197 on

    I think we need to have, as Canadians, an open and honest discussion if the CBC still holds value to the nation. We need to free this discussion of emotional baggage. If the current incarnation isn’t doing it, and we want to keep it, then what should it look like. What seems to me to be self evident is that people need to watch it. If they aren’t watching it either it needs to change or be retired. This lady though doesn’t seem to be the right person to lead that discussion.

  9. pepperloaf197 on

    Handing out a letter to media on why you feel the CPC is lying. What a way to start a hearing. Do they have no government relations people?

    She should be treating this committee like a job interview.

  10. DancinJanzen on

    I think there is a place for a public broadcaster but it needs to be further removed from the government. Funding should not be up to the current party in power alone. Everyone needs to come to an agreement on funding so it can act without any hints of bias. CBC of recent memory has had a massive cloud of impartiality hanging over it due to how it’s viewed as left wing media sprouting Trudeau puff pieces. Allow it to operate without having to cater to the current party in power as they essentially control their pay.

  11. This woman should have been fired years ago. Her legacy is one of failure. She’s been at CBC for almost a decade and has not produced a single hit show.

  12. Archiebonker12345 on

    Time to pack them up and use the CBC buildings to build homes. Save Billions $$$$$

  13. hey_you_too_buckaroo on

    I love the CBC and think it definitely needs to be preserved, but the CEO was infuriating to watch and listen to, as was the MP questioning her. What an utter waste of 10 minutes.

  14. RolloffdeBunk on

    CBC is our only television news network not owned and run by big business. Its longevity is good for democracy despite what corporate toadies say

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