Aufnahmen aus der neuen FoRL-Dokumentation Belgorod & Kursk Oblast zeigen die Evakuierung der verwundeten Legionäre „Apostle“ und „Chaos“. Leider hat Apostel nicht überlebt. Der Dokumentarfilm ist dem Andenken an Apostle und Chicha gewidmet, einem weiteren Legionär, der während der Operation gefallen ist

1 Comment

  1. MicrowaveBurns on

    > Evacuation of wounded legionnaires Apostle and Chaos. This is the most dramatic moment from the Legion’s documentary film “Freedom of Russia” (https:// t. me/legionoffreedom/1235) presented today about the limited military operation of Russian volunteers in the Kursk and Belgorod regions in March. As you can see, the well-known Russian oppositionist who took up arms, Ildar Dadin, is taking part in the evacuation of his sister cities (he and I even attended Legion training together at one time…).

    > The film is dedicated to the memory of our brothers-in-arms Apostle and Chich who fell in this operation. Watch the entire tape on the Legion’s YouTube channel (/watch?v=d1Ry8gD1DpU). It deserves your close attention.

    If you want to keep up with the actions of the Russian resistance to Putin & the war, follow r/freedomofrussia.

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