Bundesrichter verschiebt Prozess gegen Trump auf unbestimmte Zeit | CNN-Politik



  1. HalstonBeckett on

    Aileen Cannon has demonstrated and now confirmed her incompetence and corruption with her unfettered deference to Trump’s motions for incessant delays and now with her unreported gratuities in the thousands of dollars, in direct violation of the legal requirements. Given her legal ignorance and inexperience, it seems certain his legal team is actually preparing & writing her multiple Trump favorable rulings. If he’s not to be tried before the election, it’s high time for the Appellate Court to censure, reprimand and replace this fraud.

  2. M3RC3N4RY89 on

    Jesus fucking christ… this justice system is a joke. This orange mother fucker has the audacity to come out every morning yelling about how he’s being persecuted and how unfair the system is to him, while these judges do everything but suck his dick as they go above and beyond to give him special treatment…

    Violate a gag order 10 times and held in criminal contempt?

    Finger wag and stern talking to

    Send a frivolous case to the Supreme Court as a stall tactic?

    Sure! they’ll not only take up the case but side with him!

    Make stacks of frivolous motions to hold off a trial date and avoid prosecution? Motions which would be laughed out of a normal courtroom?

    “Sure thing Mr. Trump! We’ll hold hearings for all of them and delay your trial indefinitely!”

    At this point, whenever he and his sleaze bag attorneys show up for court the judges should just ask them how they would like lady justice to bend over to be raped that day.

  3. PreciousTater311 on

    The fix is always, always, always in. Why not just acquit him, give him his immunity now, and be done with it. Yeah it’s going to fucking suck, but better to just rip off the bandaid than to just drag out the inevitable.

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