Was den Profisport so faszinierend macht, ist die Tatsache, dass an jedem Abend alles passieren kann. Wenn man das Ergebnis kennt, macht es nicht nur Spaß, Sport zu schauen, es macht es auch sinnlos, einzuschalten.
Wird die erfolgreiche Vorhersage jeder Runde der NBA-Playoffs durch die KI jedoch zum Zusammenbruch des Sports führen?
No, it’s just computers cranking out math and finding a good prediction model.
If we perfect quantum computing and can simulate the universe, we should be able to manifest destiny quite literally, unless we’re just stuck with a predetermined reality in a necessary recursive loop that we have to simply observe without the illusion of free will, but that’s hard to imagine. It seems more likely that things are more probabilistic or binary with superposition and quantum indeterminacy, but that wouldn’t change the fact that we are simply the manifestation of physics/nature playing out and accumulating intelligence.
No but it will lead to the collapse of AI when the people who profit from betting and gambling find out and lobby AI back to the Stone Age. Interesting tho wonder how it got 100% accuracy on suck a complicated set of events. Maybe we are in a simulation.
No, that’s just modeling. Predict every NBA game and NCAA game and then open source the model and then we can talk.
I picked the winners of the first round too. What does that mean for the future of society?
No matter how good the models are, there are too many unknowns. The best player tears his acl in the first minute, so much for all that data.
I want to be able to know everything about everything at any given point in time ever