Abgeordnete prüfen Global Affairs-Verträge, nachdem die interne Revision festgestellt hat, dass ein Viertel gegen die Regeln verstoßen hat


1 Comment

  1. flabbergastedmeep on

    Here’s a summary of the [audit report](https://www.international.gc.ca/transparency-transparence/audit-evaluation-verification/2023/procurement-acquisition.aspx?lang=eng#findings) from the Office of the Chief Audit Executive, Global Affairs Canada:

    > **Audit Scope**: Examined procurement of consulting services from April 2018 to June 2023, excluding the Office of the Chief Audit Executive’s contracting activities.

    > **Compliance & Integrity**: Found general compliance with authorities and process integrity, but noted necessary improvements in adherence to the Financial Administration Act and information management practices.

    > **Contracting Review**: Analyzed over 8,000 contracts totaling $567 million; a statistical sample of 100 contracts showed a 90% confidence level and a 5% margin of error.

    > **Recommendations**: Advised the Assistant Deputy Ministers of SCM and DMPP to enhance processes for FAA compliance and contract administration documentation.

    So this article starts off by misleading readers with either falsified or cherrypicked statistics:

    > Deputy ministers at Global Affairs Canada are being called to testify before a parliamentary committee following an internal audit that revealed 26 per cent of the department’s contracts did not comply with the Financial Administration Act.

    And of course one of the MPs leading this charge is Poilievre’s personal legislative attack dog.

    > Conservative MP Garnett Genuis (Sherwood Park-Fort Saskatchewan, Alta.) criticized the government for its approach to contracts.

    Criticism is great where it’s due, but constructive criticism would be far more appropriate for Canadians overall. I’ll be sure to watch the hearing to take in more information.

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