Wladimir Putins „nervöse“ Rede, als er nach einer Scheinabstimmung als russischer Präsident vereidigt wurde



  1. Shankill-Road on

    How do you know when Putin is lying, his lips move.
    How do you know Putin is a Nutcase, his lips move.

    Simply think of the opposite to everything he pledges & that’s the Reality of this Russian Terrorist.

  2. Ismokeditalleveryday on

    The wolves are clawing at your door Vova, it won’t be long, it won’t be long.

  3. He really does look nervous. Probably accidentally poisoned his last lookalike and had to actually do a public appearance in person

  4. Granlundo64 on

    “Body language expert” my ass. It’s not a real thing. I’ve seen news show pull up those charlatans to push whatever point they want.

    Fuck Putin but don’t fall for this shit.

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