Trump kämpfte darum, zur Abschlussfeier seines Sohnes zu kommen – warum spricht er an diesem Tag bei einer Spendenaktion?


  1. Secret_Cow_5053 on

    Uhhh….because he’s full of shit and a lying sack of said shit.

  2. He wasn’t fighting to go see Barron, he could give a fuck about him.  He was bitching because redcaps are stupid.

    The fundraiser sounds a lot like contempt of court to me.

  3. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

    Maybe the graduation ceremony is at a different time.He would not make the mistake of missing that after asking specifically for that reason.

  4. Tatersquid21 on

    Because he’s a fucking liar. The judge should have him arrested and detained for the remainder of the trial.

  5. M3RC3N4RY89 on

    As much as I hate the guy, the headline is misleading.. the graduation is in the morning, and the fundraiser is that night.

    He’s more than likely attending both and flying to Minnesota for the dinner that afternoon after the graduation.

    There is really nothing particularly interesting about this.

  6. love0_0all on

    He doesn’t care about (t)his son any more than his other children who graduated HS, whose graduations he didn’t attend.

  7. Freds_Bread on

    He never battled to attend his son’s graduation. That was another of his lies and delaying tactics, nothing else.

  8. it was always so he could attend a. fundraiser. he’s a lying sack of shit

  9. SeparateMongoose192 on

    He battled so he could campaign. As usual, his kid was just a useful tool. If I were Barron, I wouldn’t even want him there. He would make the whole event about himself.

  10. He doesn’t care about the graduation. If anything it pisses him off. He just wanted an excuse to get the day off.

  11. babysinblackandImblu on

    He actually didn’t battle. The judge just told him that he had to fill out a request form.

  12. coordinatedflight on

    He’s going to say he has a “responsibility to take America back” and that the “radical left witch hunt” left him no choice but to run a fundraiser on that day, forcing him to miss his son’s graduation after all.

  13. So ya’ll never did more than one event in a day? Don’t see what the big deal is.

  14. Radkingeli995 on

    Saw this coming a mile away I knew the reason why Donald Trump requested he has time off from his trial to go to his sons graduation was complete bs

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