Reuters: Die Hälfte der von Russland abgefeuerten nordkoreanischen Raketen explodiert in der Luft


  1. The fact Russia needs to buy military hardware from NK now instead of the other way around should actually be humiliating for Russia in and of itself.

  2. Green_Message_6376 on

    Missiles courtesy of Kin Jung Un(*usable*)

    Slava Ukraine.

  3. Spkr4th3ded on

    These are made for fighting off water monsters…. they function better under water as designed.

  4. Buy 2 pay for 1. Nice trick Russia 😆. Who was the mastermind behind this /S.

  5. I wouldn’t trust anything manufactured in North Korea, especially if it’s an explosive

  6. They instinctively return to their natural breeding grounds in the Sea of Japan 🤣

  7. ThrowBatteries on

    Better results than I would have expected from the DPRK dorks.

  8. Regular_Oil_6334 on

    Maybe North Korea was secretly on the side of the West all along and it was just a ruse to neutralize the Axis of Evil!

  9. That is not possible. North Korean army tested those rockets before by launching them, collecting debris from the ground and reassembling. None blew mid-air

  10. jonnyfantastic2021 on

    Let’s not pretend these aren’t Chinese missiles.
    Fucking things probably came from Alibaba

    DEZTRU ballistic missile EXPLOSION murder death kill LAUNCH Tracking SHRAPNEL airborne thermobaric LED

    4.8/5 stars
    32,765 reviews

  11. I seem to recall Little Kimmy having quite a problem with those.

    It appears there’s a problem having you fireworks company CEO design missiles.

  12. Alternate title: Russia purchases spectacular fireworks from North Korea.

  13. bad_syntax on

    North Korea, trolling Russia, lol.

    “Hey, lets sell them all our old junk so we don’t have to maintain it”

  14. External-Release2472 on

    Well imagine that. The country that *still* can’t produce window panes without bubbles in the glass has crap QA. Colour me shocked!

  15. stuckin3rddimension on

    That’s how their test flights go! So many hilarious theories I have! Like they quietly cheated Russia sent them a bunch of test missiles, or North Koreans are so dumb (from lack of nutrition) they think that’s how it’s supposed to be!

  16. SpaceGoonie on

    With all that premature ejaculate it’s no wonder their is a population crisis in North Korea.

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