Mann wird Stunden nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Polizeigewahrsam von Prince Albert, Sask., wegen Mordes angeklagt


  1. Megatriorchis on

    > Constant was released with a promise to appear on the assault charge.

    Well, he kept his promise! He’ll appear.

    That woman’s death should haunt the miserable sacks of shit that enabled his release.

  2. Ok-Win-742 on

    Wow. You read the article and it’s very clear we have a drug epidemic and car theft cartels treating our country as a playground.

    Lmao what’s this country gonna look like come election time? At this rate the liberals will be lucky if they win 5 seats.

  3. GiIbert_LeDouchebag on

    Weird… it seems that completely random, unforeseeable crime and violence follows this poor fella everywhere he goes.

    If only there was some kind of *constant*, maybe we could narrow it down.

  4. Flat-Ad-3231 on

    Rawanda lmao, so fucked

    Thankfully we don’t have the right to self defense unlike those madmen in the US.

  5. Chemical_Signal2753 on

    I can’t find any information on him, but I would almost guarantee he had several convictions in the years leading up to this.

    I’m not a generic “tough on crime” guy but I think we need to be more aware of the fact that repeat offenders generally continue to commit crimes after being released. Avoiding jail/prison time on a first offense, or giving them a short sentence on their second conviction, seems like a reasonable approach for most criminals but you have to recognize the convict is resistant to rehabilitation at some point. If someone has been found guilty in 5 different cases by 5 different judges they should be spending some serious time in jail regardless of their crime.

  6. IcarusOnReddit on

    PA was bad 15 years ago when I was there for work. Can’t imagine what the opioid epidemic has done to the city.

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