„Kurz vor Weihnachten letzten Jahres haben die Diplomaten dieser vier Länder einen bedeutenden Brief an die NATO geschickt, der klare Vorschläge für eine intensivere Zusammenarbeit enthielt, wie DiePresse berichtet. Das "papierlos" betonte die Bedeutung einer stärkeren Partnerschaft angesichts der europäischen Sicherheitslage. Die als WEP4 (Western European Partners) bezeichneten Initiatoren fordern einen regelmäßigen Austausch, die Teilnahme an zusätzlichen Militärübungen und einen privilegierten Zugang zu sensiblen Dokumenten und Informationen – alles auf der Grundlage gegenseitigen Vertrauens und bestehender Sicherheitsvereinbarungen."


Von D4B34


  1. BriefCollar4 on

    Yeah, no. Austria shouldn’t be let in NATO. Not with their current leadership.

    I’m not even sure if this proposed deeper cooperation has any merit atm.

  2. FingalForever on

    As soon as Ireland shakes loose the shackles of its 80ish year old neutrality policy, like it has with the equally sacrosanct position of Catholicism in the nation, the better.

  3. jjpamsterdam on

    They are free to apply for membership. Would be interesting to see who would block which of these countries in such a case.

  4. Switzerland’s entire military strategy is to avoid and stay out wars. If attacked it’s strategy in WW2 was to surrender most of the country and retreat into bunkers in the mountains. The strategy is similar to defense in depth, quite different to Nato’s forward defense. People are however sympathetic towards Ukraine, and there are many refugees here.

  5. kraeutrpolizei on

    As an Austrian I am all for more international cooperation. More eyes on the corruption going on by the right can only lead to more transparency.
    The FPÖ isn’t working with Russia on an ideological basis, they just want to break Austria away from the EU so they can be corrupt without interference and build ups racist and mysogonystic cult while they‘re at it – just like the Nazis did.
    And when the right moment comes, they won‘t have a problem double crossing the Russians, you know, just like the Nazis did.
    Luckily they have been incompetent and warring among themselves – as opportunists usually do when they come into power – and have imploded every time within two years when they came into government. But our press and Justice system is being attacked all the while, without them we could turn into Hungary if left unchecked

  6. MootRevolution on

    Lots of negative comments here. I think it’s a good thing for these countries and NATO. Better this than having holes in the continent’s defense, or actual risks through countries that openly court adversaries (Serbia, Hungary). NATO is probably aware of a possible security risk of sharing information with governments of Austria and Malta, but are probably willing to accept that and try to mitigate those risks.

  7. I love Malta, I’m so missed of my parents left when they legalised weed.

    I used to smuggle it in all the time, stupid I know.

  8. People here are unbelievably braindead when it comes to austria lol.

  9. > privileged access to sensitive documents and information

    Hard pass.

  10. Quotenbanane on

    r/Europe when countries they don’t like try to have a relationship with NATO: VETO THEM!!!!!

    r/Europe when countries they don’t like don’t have a relationship with NATO: PATHETIC FREELOADERS!!!!!

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