Pro-palästinensischer Protest in Amsterdam wird gewalttätig, nachdem die Studentenkundgebung gestoppt wurde


  1. Ur_Wifez_Boyfriend on

    I wish people protested this passionately about shit that actually means something in their country.

  2. Surprise_Butt_Stuff on

    What the fuck are they protesting about? How is Amsterdam involved in this conflict? Am I missing something?

  3. Darthcorgibutt on

    The only thing I’m taking from these events is; if you scream “I’m peacefully protesting!” loud enough, you can go and do whatever you want.

  4. Virtuosoman23 on

    If you have a problem with your work protest outside your work, problem with the government protest outside the government. Protesting at universities puts no pressure on the people influencing foreign policies.

  5. RealLiveKindness on

    The real issue is Jews don’t recruit or evangelize. Therefore their numbers don’t compare with the campus caliphate. It worries me that the students who are swept up in these “protests” would be considered infidels or fajira in Iran and have their hands or head cut off. Some may be stoned to death for smoking pot or drinking a beer. No doubt the hostages are dead by the hand of Hamas. Glad all those Gazans have come forward to help./s

  6. Erazzphoto on

    For a group that is lead by terrorists, violent demonstrations isn’t probably going to win you any supporters

  7. Can anyone even tell me University of Amsterdam’s links to IDF or Israeli government?

    I did my Masters there a while ago, and I don’t recall anything.

    That said, this doesn’t surprise me. Europeans love to mock “Murica”, but then turn around and immediately copy whatever they’re doing ever there.

    Same shit with the George Floyd protests during Covid.

    Disclaimer: not American

  8. Happy-Gay-Seal-448 on

    Being a Jew in the Netherlands right now gives me strong 1930s Germany vibe.

    A visibly Jewish Israeli friend was just there right before this riot, visiting the Holocaust museum with her daughters. She felt the violence in the air, decided to leave the area just to be on the safe side. Was followed by Kaffiyeh wearing youths and had to take evasive action. Lost them eventually, but she’s shaken.

    I am lucky I don’t look stereotypically Jewish.

  9. Temporary-Bell-4046 on

    Sad to see university allegedly educated students aligning with Islamists.

  10. likeabosstroll on

    Damn these takes sound similar to the same justifying the Kent State massacre

  11. LostInIndigo on

    For those wondering about “why are university students protesting” –

    UVA said this:

    Many of the universities where protests are happening in the United States also have similar programs, and these programs may include funding and grants going to various Israeli institutions.

    From what I understand, a lot of weapons research programs, including drone research and artificial intelligence programs to identify or dispose of targets, are the main things causing controversy.

    Regardless of what your stance on everything, I think it’s important to understand why universities are one of the targets protesters are focusing on.

    As someone who literally works as an organizer, when planning an action you do it’s called “power analysis” – You ask who *you can influence* has the power to meaningfully change what you’re concerned about.

    Students pay tuition to these universities and can also influence public perception about them to affect whether people attend them in the future-They feel as though their tuition money is being used directly to fund something they disagree with, and that’s why this is happening.

    Also, a note on “disruptive protests”:

    Protests are supposed to be disruptive. That’s why you see people doing things like blocking streets, entrances to buildings, etc. If a protest is not disrupting the status quo/affecting people negatively, it’s a waste of time and performative. That’s across-the-board, not just in this conflict. If you are mad that people are being “disruptive” that means that the protest is working. You’re not trying to get someone to agree with you, you’re just trying to get them to change their behavior. Most targets will never agree with the people protesting to influence them.

    Just wanted to bring an organizer perspective here to clarify-These targets are calculated to be effective, and the goal is not to make you happy or make you like the protesters. The goal is to force specific targets to change their behavior and withdraw funding and collaboration with Israeli institutions. You decide whether that’s a good or a bad thing, but that is the point of these actions.

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