„Zar“ Putin sagt dem Westen: Russland wird nur auf Augenhöhe reden



  1. So when they get the fuck out of a country that’s not theirs and stop their attempted genocide, then they’ll talk? Typical farts coming out of the Poo tin, again

  2. and with “on equal terms” he means:

    We want to keep everything that we have illegally annexed and all our other demands must be met otherwise Russia will collapse and we will have to destroy the world.

  3. The collective West will talk with russian puppet master – China.

  4. Mano_Tulip on

    I guess no talks then. There is no country in the West on such low level to be equal to ruzzia.

  5. west_tn_guy on

    Well I suppose we can get old Kimmy Jong Un to sit down and have chat with him. They’re about the only equal he has left in the world 🌍

  6. asongofuranus on

    guess what, cunt. we’ve made the mistake of talking to you like you are all same as us. as we’re equal. as if you were all actually human beings. we won the cold war but whatever, let’s all cooperate and sing kumbaya. we had a good thing going you stupid son of a bitch.

    no more. fuck you and if it destroys the world in order to destroy you so be it. fucking cancer on humanity. 

  7. DigitalMountainMonk on

    “Equal terms” in actuality would be Russia talking with a cocaine infused badger and even then the badger is talking down to Russia.

  8. yourforgottenpenpal on

    But Russia isn’t an equal super power – They are acting like a shitty backwoods dictatorship and should be treated as such

  9. Putin, despite ruling the largest country in the world in terms of territory, having natural gas resources that few countries are endowed with, forest areas like Siberia, you are not satisfied with these and condemned both the Russian people and Ukraine to death. You will be remembered with curses 50 years from now. The trauma of the Russians you crippled, the trauma of the young children you sent to death will be visible in the future, even if not now.

  10. Equal terms w/ Ukraine maybe. Not with NATO. Dude couldn’t take Lithuania with the way Russia is now.

  11. ClownMorty on

    But you’re not equal Putin. You fail to measure up in every category.

  12. Can the west be equals with a country that steals toilet seats and washing machines?

  13. CBT7commander on

    Gdp and military spending however tell Russia is not an equal to the West

  14. strong_nights on

    Equals in what? Economics? Civil rights? Failures in Afghanistan? Why is this potato sucker still breathing?

  15. Russia hasn’t defeated a nation state without Western assistance since the Tsars were in power. Putin is just a wannabe Tsar thinking like it’s still the 19th century. He should stay home until he’s ready to participate in the 21st century.

  16. Complex-Rex on

    But you’re not equal. You’re a declining regional power at best. You aren’t a match for Poland let alone NATO or “The West” that you bitch about. That’s also ignoring that you don’t mean equal, you mean you won’t negotiate unless you get coddled.

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