Vertreter von sechs EU-Ländern nahmen heute an Putins Amtseinführung teil: Zypern, Frankreich, Griechenland, Ungarn, Malta und die Slowakei

Von daugiaspragis


  1. Recent posts regarding these countries look like witch hunt to me as if completely cutting ties with Russia is gonna help everyone. I understand Russia’s neighboring countries would like to cut ties but someone has to act maturely after all. I see France as a mediator in future negotiations since it acts very maturely and diplomatically.

  2. A_Man_of_the_People on

    If some Alien race were to throw a party before destroying the earth I believe Slovakia would send diplomatic attache to celebrate on that party…

  3. Shigonokam on

    It is not stupid at all, there will be a future, but demolishing any kind of diplomacy is not the way to go in my eyes.

  4. LigmaBigma on

    And USA recognized Putin as the president of Russia. What a fucking bunch of hypocritical losers

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