Tory-Immobilienguru muss 4,5 Millionen Pfund Steuerschuld für das „Ten Floors of Whores“-Gebäude zahlen

Von qwerty_1965


  1. qwerty_1965 on

    “A 2018 investigation found more than 100 sex workers registered at Chelsea Cloisters, known to some punters as “Sodom and Gomorrah”. We can report that Dr Moran’s firm Realreel Limited which owns the building has been landed with a £4.5million VAT bill after HMRC ruled it incorrectly claimed revenue from Chelsea Cloisters was exempt.

    Realreed Limited hadn’t taken professional advice on its VAT status since 1991 and so was hit with another £685,800 penalty for carelessness, which was suspended. Realreed contested both HMRC decisions at a tax tribunal and lost.”

  2. Good. It’s about time we equated tax evasion as traitorous and those who are involved in it as the scum they are

    This prick values money over society. I hope we take this foul excuse for a citizen to the cleaners

  3. Ten floors of whores is already taken as a name by the brothel in Singapore

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