Migranten „versuchen wegen der Bedrohung durch Ruanda über den Ärmelkanal nach Europa zurückzukehren“, behauptet ein syrischer Asylbewerber


Von insomnimax_99


  1. takesthebiscuit on

    So we are sending out Crapitas Finest Flatfeet to round up immigrants who have escaped from beheading by ISIS, crossed all of eastern and Western Europe and negotiated with people smugglers to get themselves safely to the UK?

    And we expect the home offices finest outsourced staff (presumably) to find and detain these highly skilled and motivated individuals?

  2. The_Unstoppable_Egg on

    Hahahaha. So Ireland are now saying it, the Guardian is now saying it and the fucking Syrian refugees are saying it to LBC.

    Where are all the little voices now that said this policy wouldn’t work?

  3. WeightDimensions on

    Are Care4Calais assisting these poor desperate refugees, trapped in an unsafe country, to return over the channel where they’ll feel safer?

    Or does it only work one way?

  4. Let me make a prediction. In six months time the BBC will run a swiftly buried story admitting that while the media made a big show of this Rwanda policy, over time it had a negligible effect on illegal migration and the only thing saying it was was media with an interest in supporting the Tories.

  5. masterblaster0 on

    Surprised the Tories aren’t trying to charge them for leaving the country. It’s not like them to miss an opportunity on monetising misery.

  6. inb4ww3_baby on

    Why is it immigration is soo bad?
    I mean if we made our citizenship programme attainable people wouldn’t come illegally.
    Just seems this isn’t going to stop illegal immigration just the legal kind

  7. TwoDisagrees on

    Well if it has a *genuine* deterrent effect I’m fine with this policy tbh. As long as it isn’t applied to people with legitmate, non-economic claims for asylum and we see a drop in the numbers which is reasonably attributable to it I’ll change my tune on it.

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