Autofahrer, der im Straßenverkehr wegen Wutausbrüchen gefahren ist, wurde verurteilt, nachdem er eine Frau mit unflätigen Tiraden beschimpft hatte

Von masterblaster0


  1. DependentAd2274 on

    This guy looks/sounds like a real POS, but it’s wild if he gets jail time, considering the VERY long list of crimes that people commit, and don’t see the inside of a cell for.

  2. This guy is an absolute POS, but this line is totally irrelevant.

    “Mrs Isaacs, who runs a TV production company and has worked with Prince William and Alan Titchmarsh…”

  3. May go to jail as this is the most serious of this type of offence.

    Surely a fine and some community service will fix him plus the public shame.

  4. I’ve been driving in the U.K. professionally for over 30 years. The rising amount of aggression I’ve seen over recent years is staggering tbh.

  5. Another angry gammon trying to take his rage at the world out on other people.

    This time his actions had consequences, I will lay money that this is not the first time he has acted in such a vile way though.

    His willingness to try and defend himself as if it was the Daily Mail website comments section or your racist uncle’s Facebook page, didn’t appear to work.

    “I’m the kind of person who will call someone out” yeah, I bet you are you misogynistic old bully, especially if they are a woman or someone more vulnerable than him.

    A few years back. I was riding home from work and there was a bloke in a white van driving like an absolute loon in front. Hyper aggressive and weaving about in traffic. Eventually he took offence at something this old guy did, when he didn’t screech off the lights like it was an F1 start. He then proceeded drive right up his backside and tried to intimidate the old boy.

    Eventually, we came to a turn off and this lunatic accelerated round and forced him off the road. He proceeded to jump out of his van and batter on the windows whilst screaming abuse.

    I wasn’t having that, so I pulled in and went over. It was funny how a 6ft 1 bloke in body armour and leathers, with a tinted visor shouting “oi, wtf do you think you’re doing?” Turned him from a snarling psychopath to a stammering wreck in a split second. He spluttered out some apologies and then raced to his van and took off like a bullet.

    The old boy was really shaken up. The impact this sort of behaviour has is massive. It can really shake people up.

    Oh and yes, I took down his reg number and let the Police know. I don’t think anything happened about it as I never heard anything else, but I felt I’d done my duty that day.

  6. >“I do not like people filming other people without their permission, I think it’s a violation of their privacy.”

    Yeah I bet you do. All the more abusive behaviour for you to get away with.

    Maybe it’s just because I don’t drive a car, but I’ve never understood why road rage is so normalised? Even in this comments section everyone’s calling this a “minor issue” while in reality a guy slammed on a window and hurled abuse and slurs at a woman in her car. Then presumably, after showing his complete lack of self control and visceral anger management issues, was allowed to get *back behind the wheel of a 3000 pound killing machine*.

    Cars kill a lot of people when the most level-headed, well-trained people are driving them. And we want to let this guy go cruising around when that’s his reaction to getting honked at?

  7. AliensFuckedMyCat on

    So she flipped him off, honked and flashed her lights at him, and he got out and raged at her window? 

    They both sound terrible. 

  8. carpetvore on

    Jail for shouting at someone? I’m glad nobody’s ever shouted at me, it must be horrific.

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