Biden-Beamte „empört“ über die Reaktion der Hamas auf Geiselgespräche – I24NEWS


  1. Separate-Wonder3908 on

    Hamas is not a negotiable entity and they need to be eliminated, point blank.

  2. Biden’s advisors should read Reddit more, because consensus among us was that Hamas has no interest in releasing hostages or ending hostility. This way he wouldn’t be surprised at all.

  3. So take a step back and let the Israeli’s deal with their own neighborhood problem

  4. Ok_Machine_2916 on

    Finally he’s outraged at the obstinate party in the negotiations. It took him long enough.

  5. i_should_be_coding on

    >However, upon submitting their revised reply, U.S. officials were taken aback by Hamas’ continued defiance.

    This might be the dumbest sentence I’ve read in a while.

  6. ijustlurkhere_ on

    End hamas, then install a governing force consisting of a coalition of Israel-friendly Arab nations, allow for a few decades to undo the horrific indoctrination done by UNWRA and then, only then we can talk about a Palestinian state.

  7. Whoknew1992 on

    Glad I’m not alone in this. Outraged at the response from terrorists. Fuck them. Let Israel finish the job and provide US help where requested. Other than that. Get the fuck out of their way.

  8. MonsterHunterOwl on

    When they’ve killed all the hostages, the only path is lies and faking it to try to stay alive one day longer, that’s the Hamas mission every day, murder all others, continue to survive to do so.

  9. TapSea2469 on

    The negotiations are a waste of time, the. IDF just needs to roll in and finish it.

  10. Biden needs to grow a pair. Let’s all our allies suffer while being condescending as fuck.

    Ukraine with security promises? Tepid responses. Too little too late. Russians moving the line daily.

    Israel, “out closest ally?” Holding up weapon shipments.

    Saudi Arabia? We prevented them from wiping out the Houthis and now have a shipping lane crisis

    If China invades Taiwan, based on Biden’s track record, he will provide a tepid response and force rules of engagements that will weaken Taiwan. Maybe offer a helicopter for the Taiwanese prime minister.

    I’m not going to vote for shit-in-pants, but damn do our options feel like the choice of getting hit in the dick with a sledge hammer or a claw hammer.

  11. DillyDoobie on

    A more appropriate headline “USA Negotiating With Terrorists!”

  12. AgreeablyDisagree on

    I have no idea why anyone expects Hamas to take a different stance? Hamas is in self preservation mode, why would they agree to give up the hostages, their only bargaining chip, for a temporary ceasefire? It defies logic. Of course i WANT them to do that, but what would be the strategic goal Hamas achieves by doing it? Netanyahu has already said he intents to go into Rafah and will never agree to a permanent ceasefire, and Hamas as no incentive to agree to a temporary one.

    Doesn’t this all feel like a waste of time?

  13. That’s the deal where they return 3 hostages every week regardless of whether they’re dead or alive?

  14. Yes. Yes. We express a strong dislike towards rapists, murderers, manglers of corpses, kidnappers, torturers, children snatchers and in general, the worst part: negotiating in bad faith.

    How dare they!

  15. Mean_Operation7336 on

    Have we tried sending our most elite CSGO players to face the terrorists?

  16. TheBatemanFlex on

    How exhausting must it be to try and appease protesters by pretending you aren’t dealing with a terrorist organization?

  17. YouWantWhatByWhen on

    AFAICT [this]( is the (paywalled) NY Times story that the article refers to:

    > Hamas’s response over the weekend frustrated the intermediaries because it rejected some of the very language that it had previously proposed and that had been adopted by the Israelis, according to the people briefed on the talks. The American side declared the new Hamas position unacceptable, and suggested that if Hamas did not really want a deal, perhaps the negotiations were done. But Hamas indicated that it was not trying to torpedo the talks and would come back with a new version.
    That was the counteroffer that Hamas forwarded on Monday. The Israelis and Americans did not find it acceptable, but believed that it left room for further negotiations. Talks are expected to resume in Cairo at a technical level, probably on Wednesday, to go through the details. This time, Israel has agreed to send a delegation to go over the Hamas counteroffer.

  18. ThinkingCap-on on

    This is the second or third time the Biden administration is basically admitting to being finessed by Hamas into forcing a 3 month ceasefire on Israel that probably got a ton of hostages killed and even more Palestinians.

  19. thegoatmenace on

    The Biden administration is in a tough spot as both sides of this negotiation are fucking irrational and dishonest

  20. Ah yes, are they gonna “blast” and “strongly condemn” them next?

  21. BecauseBatman01 on

    Seriously crazy. Hamas claiming to be victims by saying they agreed to a deal.

    A deal that includes return of 33 hostages…. WHICH SOME ARE ALREADY BE DEAD.

    Like fuck out of here with that. Get rid of Hamas and let Palestinians live in peace and finally set up some sort of governing body.

  22. jeopardychamp77 on

    So, the terrorist group who randomly slaughtered 1k Israelis kids at a rave and kidnapped hundreds more isn’t being reasonable ? Truly shocking.

  23. “The bullshit rose so fast you needed wings to stay above it.”

  24. kittenTakeover on

    The inaccurate coverage of this doesn’t help. Media reported that Hamas “accepted a proposal,” which makes it sound like everyone is in agreement and it’s just in Isreals court to abide by the agreement. The reality is that Hamas “made a proposal” and moving forward depends on the terms of that proposal being agreeable. 

  25. Hamas is just stalling for their survival and they’re not in a good position to maintain that.

  26. Clearly Hamas is just looking for a slight reprieve to recoup and go back on the offensive. Peace is clearly not their end goal sadly.

  27. Shocking. Maybe Israel has known exactly who they are dealing with the entire time while the world pretends that Hamas isn’t just another genocidal terror group.

  28. eyehatesigningup on

    Prolly trying to buy time to escape before Israeli forces arrive

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