Wärmepumpen könnten helfen, den Planeten zu retten. Warum wird ihr volles Potenzial nicht ausgeschöpft?



  1. wiredmagazine on

    By Matt Simon

    If billionaires actually cared about saving the planet, they’d pool their vast wealth and buy everyone a [heat pump](https://www.wired.com/story/why-you-the-planet-need-heat-pump/). Instead of burning planet-warming fossil fuels, these appliances extract warmth from even freezing outdoor air and transfer it into a building, thanks to [neat tricks of physics](https://www.wired.com/story/how-do-heat-pumps-work/).

    Not that billionaires would ever have the altruism or desire to buy us all heat pumps—megayachts aren’t going to buy *themselves*, after all. But if they did, there’d be one critical hurdle they’d run into—the one thing that’s holding heat pumps back from their full potential more generally: There aren’t enough trained workers yet to install them.

    The result is classic “greenflation,” a [temporary rise](https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2022/html/ecb.sp220317_2~dbb3582f0a.en.html) in the costs associated with decarbonization due to market constraints, says climate economist Gernot Wagner of the Columbia Business School in New York. 

    Read the full story: [https://www.wired.com/story/heat-pump-worker-shortage/](https://www.wired.com/story/heat-pump-worker-shortage/)

  2. jodrellbank_pants on

    Cost and most of the UK housing is to drafty or poorly insulated

    Example we have a 8kw wood burner so there’s a 3cm hole drilled in the wall for the draw this is a Hetas requirement for fires 0ver 5kw

    so a heat pump would be pointless

  3. Well since heat pumps have many pars that are made of gold, we cannot hope that their price will go down anytime soon. It’s a different story with split AC units – there is no gold in them, so anybody can afford them. Price of split AC unit is ca. 10 times lower, since there is no golden parts inside.

  4. The immediate answer that comes to my mind (Eastern EU) is COST. Here, the cost is so high that it oniy makes sense if you are building from scratch (or close to it, a total renovation complete with tearing down walls etc)

  5. There is no way a heat pump will save the planet.

    I don’t know when it started, but this article is part of a new wave of fossil fuel industry propaganda.

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