Neue deutsche Untersuchungen zeigen, dass Elektrofahrzeuge weniger als halb so häufig kaputt gehen wie Autos mit Verbrennungsmotor.

1 Comment

  1. lughnasadh on

    Submission Statement

    The logical follow on from this is that EV owners should have cheaper car insurance. With far fewer moving parts they will also have much cheaper maintenance costs. Added to that EVs are cheaper to buy.
    China has reached the point where 50% of new car sales are EVs much quicker than anyone expected. Most people thought that was years away, but we’re already there. How soon before people start talking about a “death spiral” when it comes to gasoline cars?

    *Relevant Data*

    *Per 1,000 vehicles*

    *ICE 6.4*

    *BEV 2.8*

    *The ADAC even noted a growing lead for electric cars in recent years. The analysis was based on the more than 3.5 million call-outs made by ADAC breakdown services last year*

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