Ukrainischer Soldat tötet zwei russische Soldaten im Nahkampf in der Nähe von Avdiivka

Von Militargeschichte


  1. AWeirdMartian on

    I can’t even count how many times he shot the dude in the head at 0:30

  2. Tropicalcomrade221 on

    That dude copped the bin Laden treatment. Unfortunate for him I guess.

  3. Accomplished_Stick65 on

    Homeboy ate a granade like it was nothing, and bacame Rambo for a moment.

  4. You can see his buddy trying to get him to stop wasting ammo at the end

  5. muhsqweeter on

    Heavens to Betsy. He made ole son extra dead. He is the definition of is someone is worth killing they are worth overkilling

  6. Tal_Galaar on

    I thought the advice shoot until it catches fire or changes shape only applied to vehicles.

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