Damen und Herreninvestoren, Euroaktionen sind an den Nähten geknackt. Latercore, in das ich kürzlich investiert habe, verdoppelte sich und Saab, Rheinmetall und andere gehen in den Weltraum. ATOS dafür sowie Leonardo, der Hilicopters in Bulgarien den Boden in dreifacher Zeit versorgt.
Der amtierende Präsident befiehlt zusätzliche Maßnahmen, um die Vorschriften für FX -Ströme zu verbessern
CSIS-Direktor sagt, Chinas konzertierter Versuch, kanadische Technologie zu stehlen, sei „umwerfend“ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-csis-director-says-chinas-concerted-effort-to-steal-canadian/
flamboyantdebauchry on 30.04.2024 2:28 AM OMG 😵 china does it to everyone, every company, every country LETS BE REAL imagine the waste of $$$$ for this comedy show
Shmokeshbutt on 30.04.2024 2:29 AM We have technology to steal? Like what? Tim Hortons’ pizza recipe?
darrylgorn on 30.04.2024 2:38 AM Wait until we start hovering instead of using skates and have electronic hockey sticks.
AustralisBorealis64 on 30.04.2024 2:53 AM Mind boggling indeed. Nortel just gave it to them for free in the 90’s…
CaliperLee62 on 30.04.2024 3:01 AM What’s mind boggling is that the Liberal government under Justin Trudeau seem disposed to allow it.
OMG 😵 china does it to everyone, every company, every country LETS BE REAL imagine the waste of $$$$ for this comedy show
We have technology to steal?
Like what? Tim Hortons’ pizza recipe?
Wait until we start hovering instead of using skates and have electronic hockey sticks.
Mind boggling indeed. Nortel just gave it to them for free in the 90’s…
What’s mind boggling is that the Liberal government under Justin Trudeau seem disposed to allow it.