Der Bürgermeister von Istanbul sagte, die Hamas sei eine Terrororganisation, aber er befürworte nicht alle israelischen Aktionen.

Von humanbananareferee


  1. Knuddelbearli on

    the opinion that everyone should have, unfortunately 95% of people only know one or the other extreme.

    There is no good guy in this conflict

  2. thatcrazy_child07 on

    that’s fair actually. i don’t approve of Israel’s actions, nor do i approve hamas. 

  3. Jane_Doe_32 on

    He is right and for that he will be rewarded by defamatory campaigns on both sides.

  4. >”We interpret the Hamas attack as a terrorist attack, but we also stand against the cruelty suffered by Palestinian women and children who are being killed there today.”

    Islamists will attack him so hard on this.

  5. Consistent-Grade-171 on

    I agree… hamas is a terrorist organisation. But what is Israel doing is targeting civilians on purpose at this point. When the war started i understood why Israel needs to retaliate, but now it seems they are beating someone unconscious on the ground.

  6. TheKiltedPondGuy on

    That’s literally the only sane opinion. Hamas are terrorists and IDF are committing war crimes. As it often is in war, both sides are in the wrong.

  7. Young_Owl99 on

    He needed to declare Hamas as terrorist organization publicly. Erdoğan declared it as hero even compared it with our independance movement so needed to show the thinks differently.

  8. GloriousIguana on

    The key issue is that the state of Israel is also a terrorist organisation just like Hamas, and should be treated as such (eg. not given billions worth of military aid) until it stops using terror as means.

  9. That’s exactly what I have been saying for a while.. you don’t have to pick a side and stick
    To it, you can just recognise that both hamas and the Israeli government are bad, and both populations suffered for that

  10. ClassyKebabKing64 on

    Finally a big time politician in Turkey that said it. Proud as can be.

  11. iloveass031 on

    I know for a fact Erdoğan’s followers will label him as an Israel supporter. The problem with this is most of Turkey believes Israel is 100 % evil.

  12. bladerunnerism on

    He became the voice of reason and logic, so? Finally, the most accurate words from the most important candidate who will rule Turkey in the future.

  13. That is pretty much what everyone should think on the matter, sadly most people are so polarized that they can only see “x good, y bad”. Ffs the world isn’t black or white

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