1. phileconomicus on

    Submission statement: Taiwan is (belatedly) developing means to deter a full scale Chinese military invasion. However, it lacks the ability to deter lesser acts of aggression (such as an air/sea blockade). This short essay suggests that a credible threat of information war might provide such a deterrent and thereby keep Taiwan safe.

  2. Major_Wayland on

    I’m have troubles to see how information warfare may degrade capabilities for a military invasion or keeping up a blockade, especially when considering that on one hand, internal China censorship and government propaganda would be all times high during the such actions, and on other hand, such attempts tends to quickly degrade from “your country is wrong” to “you and your country are BAD” (example of such infowar degradation we can see on Russia example), which only alienating citizens and increasing their domestic support for war.

  3. Chemical-Leak420 on

    China won’t carea bout a information war or economic sanctions when they go for taiwan.

    Its important to listen to other countries like you listen to your own. I like to be informed myself so instead of reading articles of “So and So said this” I tend to find the video and information myself and view it.

    Unfortunately watching xi jinping speak for the past 10 years I can assure you china wants taiwan at all cost….this is a internal issue for them of the highest importance to their country…….they do not care about sanctions or a information war. The Taiwan issue for them goes way beyond such petty things in their mind.

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